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2021 Air monitoring activity report released
The 2021 Air Quality Annual Report has been released by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Air Quality Division. The report consolidates air quality trends and data for air pollutants, such as ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulates and more.
The 2021 Annual Air Quality Report not only contains information on specific pollutants, including those with National Ambient Air Quality Standards and toxic air contaminants, but it also includes details on the following:
If you have questions about the report’s contents, contact Cindy Hodges at 517-284-6748 or HodgesC@Michigan.gov.
If you are interested in air quality information, you can dig deeper by reading more about trends and an overview of the monitoring network and changes for 2023 in the 2023 Network Review.
More information on the Air Quality Division’s annual program activities, such as permitting and inspections, can be found in the Year End Air Quality Program Report or at Michigan.gov/Air.