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Taking action on Lake Erie Webinar Series
Lake Erie shoreline near Stony Point in Monroe County
October 5, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Agriculture inventory planning and implementation efforts to reduce nutrient loading into the Western Lake Erie Basin
Taking Action on Lake Erie is a webinar series taking an inside look at ways the state of Michigan and our partners are working together to enhance stewardship of the land and improve water quality in Michigan’s portion of the Western Lake Erie Basin.
In recent years, the Western Lake Erie Basin has been experiencing the reappearance of significant algal blooms, some of which are harmful to aquatic life, can present challenges for drinking water treatment, and are caused in part by excessive nutrients from agriculture. This one-hour webinar is the first in this series and will highlight the agriculture inventory planning and implementation efforts in the Western Lake Erie Basin led by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Nonpoint Source Program and implemented by local Conservation Districts.
The agricultural inventory process utilizes a modeling component, a desktop analysis component, and a field inventory to collect site specific data to locate and prioritize agricultural sites that have the potential to impact water quality. The goal is to implement agricultural best management practices on sites with the greatest potential to achieve phosphorus loading reductions that are needed to improve water quality. This is an opportunity for the general public, agency partners, or anyone who wants to know what Michigan is doing to reduce nutrient loading to Lake Erie.
REGISTRATION QUESTIONS: Alana Berthold: Joel Roseberry:
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