Site-specific Volatilization to Indoor Air Criteria and Site-specific Target Levels Request Form
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), Remediation and Redevelopment Division (RRD) has updated the form used to request assistance in developing applicable Part 201 site-specific volatilization to indoor air criteria (SSVIAC) or Part 213 site-specific target levels (SSTLs). This form may be used to request EGLE’s assistance in the development of applicable SSVIAC or SSTLs consistent with Part 201, Environmental Remediation, or Part 213, Leaking Underground Storage Tanks, of the Natural Resource and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended. The Site-Specific Volatilization to Indoor Air Criteria Form is available on the RRD Resource Materials webpage.
The form now includes checklists to assist in demonstrating that the requested conceptual site model (CSM) inputs are representative of site conditions, are appropriate for development of Part 201 SSVIAC or Part 213 SSTLs and will serve as documentation in EGLE files. Additional guidance is provided that describes what information should be included to document site conditions.
Information in Table 1 and Table 2 is expected to be completed by the submitter. The soil type assessment Table 3 must be completed by the submitter when requesting a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil type other than sand. The checklist documentation will be verified by EGLE staff (Table 4). Separate Table 1 and Table 2 checklists will need to be completed for each structure when multiple structures present within the vapor intrusion investigation area have different CSM information (e.g., building construction or depth to groundwater).
RRD continues to pursue the development of an on-line calculator that can assist in developing Part 201 SSVIAC or Part 213 SSTLs to replace this request process. Until the calculator is available, the department will continue to assist in developing SSVIAC and SSTLs for this pathway. Alternatively, a person may choose to use the Appendix D.1 volatilization to indoor pathway screening levels of the 2013 Guidance Document for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway or develop SSVIAC or SSTLs and submit the necessary information to the department for review and approval pursuant to statutory provisions.
Questions regarding documentation of CSM information should be directed to the district RRD project manager or the technical assistance and program support team points of contact for the district where a site is located. For questions regarding the development of SSVIAC or SSTLs, please contact Dr. Shane Morrison, RRD Toxicologist, at or 517‑230-7570.