Drinking Water Chemical Incident Alert
The following alert is being sent to representatives of public water supplies that may purchase chemicals for water treatment.
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) recently learned of an incident where the wrong treatment chemical was delivered to a public water supply and was mislabeled. The incident posed a serious risk to the safety of the water plant operator, the drinking water quality, and was confirmed to cause equipment damage. Fluorosilicic acid (fluoride product) was ordered by the water supply and the shipping containers at the time of delivery were labeled as such. However, the product in the containers received was determined to be a high concentration of sulfuric acid. We understand the chemical was supplied by PVS from their Detroit facility and the LOT number was L091520P. This serious incident is being investigated by the chemical supplier and has been referred to NSF for investigation. To date, EGLE has not received the results of either investigation nor has EGLE been able to confirm which other water supplies received this LOT number.
The purpose of this notice is to alert any water supplies using chemicals from PVS to make sure to check the chemicals received to ensure it is the same product and strength that was ordered. If water supplies have questions about a specific chemical order, please contact PVS at 313-921-1200.
Finally, this incident is an important reminder for water supplies to review their standard operating procedures for chemical delivery and chemical releases. This presentation as well as this excerpt of an AWWA training video contain chemical receiving guidance. If you have general questions, you may contact Mike Bolf, Engineering Unit Supervisor with EGLE's Drinking Water and Environmental Health Division at BolfM@Michigan.gov or 906-630-4107.