Is your community hosting a household hazardous waste, scrap tire, and/or e-waste collection event this year?
Help residents in your community know by listing it in the Michigan Recycling Directory!
- Some of the most frequently searched for materials in the Directory are common collection event items such as electronics, paint, oil, batteries, and tires.
- These events are more important than ever to residents this year, due to the inability to host many of them in 2020 and people wanting to get rid of clutter and hard to recycle/dispose items.
If you already have a listing, now is the time to update it! If you do not, it takes less than 10 minutes to join. To list your event in the directory:
- Visit Re-TRAC Connect at and create a free account, or login using an existing account.
- Once you have your account, login and click “Find Programs” at the top of the page.
- Find the “Michigan Recycling Directory,” click it, and then click “Join.”
- Select “Create New” organization and choose “Collection Event” as your organization type.
- Under “Member Name” we recommend naming the listing with the event host and date, such as “County Collection Event – May 1, 2021.”
- Fill in the corresponding information such as where the event will be held, the hours of operations, etc. Make sure in the description section to specify the dates it will be held.
- Click “Submit” at the bottom of the page once you have filled in all the information.
- Once the event is over, you can set your listing to “Private”, and it will not be viewable by the public. Next year if your organization hosts another collection event, the listing can be changed back to “Public” and adjusted with updated information.
- If those hosting have multiple collection events/days, a listing can be created for each one with the corresponding date in the title.
Questions? Contact Amy Karana at 517-242-8324 or