EGLE announces completion of first phase of Spartan Chemical Company Excavation Pilot Study
The first phase of the Spartan Chemical Remedial Excavation Pilot Study was completed on January 11, 2021. All areas were successfully excavated and backfilled with clean sand. Contractors have demobilized from the site and will return in the Spring to finish site restoration. Site restoration will include placing a new fence along the property line between The Potter’s House High School and the Spartan Chemical Site, placing topsoil and grass seed on disturbed areas of the site and The Potter’s House High School Soccer Field, and completing any final site grading needed.
Next steps for the site include planning and design of the full-scale remedial soil excavation at the site, continued groundwater investigations, and design and implementation the groundwater remediation.
EGLE plans to begin the full scale soil remediation in Spring of 2022.
Questions concerning the Spartan Chemical Company Superfund site may be directed to Mellisa Powers-Taylor, Remediation and Redevelopment Division Superfund Project Manager at PowerstaylorM@Michigan.gov.