Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy Air Quality News and Info : Air Permit Exemption Rules Changes - A Webinar Mini-Series

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The MDEQ proudly presents the “Air Quality Division’s Air Permit Rules Changes - A Webinar Mini-Series.” This three-part series will focus on the changes to the Air Quality Division (AQD) air permitting exemption changes.


Air Quality Division’s Air Permit Exemption Rules Changes - A Webinar Mini-Series


The Michigan Air Pollution Control Rules require that a permit be obtained prior to installing any source of air emissions, unless the activity or equipment is specifically exempted.  The Air Quality Division’s (AQD) air permit exemptions are some of the most used and most asked after rules that the Division has on the books.  In December 2016, many of the permit exemptions were updated and several new rules were added.  This three-part webinar mini-series will provide attendees with important information on these permit exemption changes and how they may be useful for new or existing equipment.


March 27, 2017, 10:00AM – (Installment 1) –  Overview of the Air Quality Air Permit Exemption Changes


Rule 201 of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Rules requires that a permit be obtained prior to installing any source of air emissions unless specifically exempted. The permit exemptions are contained in Part 2 of the Michigan Air Pollution Control Rules. In December 2016 the AQD’s Rule 201 permit exemptions were updated. These updates included additions and changes to many of the rules contained in Rule 278 – Rule 290, including the addition of several new permitting exemptions, such as the addition of Rule 291.  This webinar is an overview of the changes to the permit exemptions and will provide valuable information to anyone evaluating existing or new equipment that may need an air permit.


April 10, 2017, 10:00AM – (Installment 2) – Air Permit Exemptions - Rule 290 and Rule 291


This webinar will focus on the Rule 290 and Rule 291 air permit exemptions. These exemptions are used by many businesses to exempt activities with very limited emissions. Both of these permit exemptions require that actual or potential emissions be evaluated in a specific manner. This webinar will focus on the Rule 290 changes as well as an explanation of Rule 291, which is a new exemption. Tools have been developed to aid in the evaluation of these permit exemptions. Information regarding where to find these tools will also be addressed. The webinar will be valuable to anyone currently using or considering using Rule 290 and Rule 291 in order to potentially exempt equipment from the AQD permit process.


April 24, 2017, 10:00AM – (Installment 3) – Air Permit Exemption - Rule 285 and Meaningful Change


One of the most confusing parts of properly continuing to use a Rule 201 air permit exemption is what to do when the process or equipment undergoes a minor change to the materials being used.  In order to determine whether or not these changes trigger the need for an air permit, a meaningful change determination should be completed.  This webinar will give valuable information and tools regarding how to complete this determination and what the update to Rule 285 and the “meaningful change” definition entails.




The webinars in this series are scheduled to last 50 minutes with ten minutes of questions and answers to follow. Each webinar qualifies for one continuing education hour (CEH) for Professional Engineers.




For questions about registration, please contact Alana Berthold at 517-284-6854 or BertholdA@michigan.gov. For questions about the webinar content and/or recommendations for additional air webinar topics, please contact Jenifer Dixon, Training and Outreach Air Specialist, at 517-284-6892 or DixonJ2@michigan.gov.


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