MDARD ensures farmers are paid for grain delivered to grain dealers through the Grain Dealers Act, which regulates the state's storage, warehousing, and sale of farm produce. Dealers must obtain licenses annually for buying, exchanging, selling, or storing farm produce.
The Farm Produce Insurance Authority (FPIA) was established in 2003 to reimburse producers for losses incurred by grain dealers when they declare insolvency or cannot pay claimants for unpaid grain. This voluntary program is only available to producers who have yet to opt out of the FPIA.
Before harvest, MDARD recommends you consider the following factors when determining who you transact your farm produce business with:
To access the protections of the Grain Dealers Act and Farm Produce Insurance Act, producers must engage with a licensed grain dealer and deliver their farm produce. If a dealer fails, producers who haven't opted out of the Farm Produce Insurance Fund can receive 100% payment for stored produce or 90% payment on financial losses from unpaid farm produce.
One of the most crucial recommended practices for producers engaging in farm produce transactions is to ask yourself, does the grain dealer have a valid license posted at time of delivery? Have you verified that the grain dealer is listed as licensed? If there isn’t a license, MDARD cannot assist in accordance with any protective acts.
The success of the Farm Produce Insurance Fund and Grain Dealers Act in Michigan in protecting farmers is dependent upon open communication between producers, dealers, and MDARD on irregularities and non-payments.
For a list of licensed grain dealers and more information about the Farm Produce Insurance Fund and Grain Dealers Act visit www.michigan.gov/graindealers or contact Jeff Haarer, MDARD’s Producer Security Manager at 517-284-5642.
LANSING, Mich. – MDARD announced a request for proposals through the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Ag Marketing Services.
The program is designed to enhance the competitiveness of Michigan’s specialty crops. Grant proposals must be submitted in the MiAgGrants System by February 8, 2024.
The grants have a maximum award of $100,000 for research proposals and $125,000 for marketing, training, and education proposals designed to enhance the competitiveness of the state’s specialty crops. Specialty crops are defined as fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops, including floriculture.
For more information, visit our website.
In 2022, the Producer Security Program and the Michigan Craft Beverage Council Program implemented the Qualified Distiller Program. This program allows certified small distillers to lower their markup costs by utilizing at least 40% Michigan-grown ingredients in their products. Additionally, it provides new emerging markets for Michigan farmers.
From 2022 to 2023, the Qualified Distiller program saw a 32% increase in small distiller applicants. Agriculture ingredient use increased from about 3 million pounds of Michigan-grown grain and fruit used in production to more than 4.5 million. This program is an excellent collaboration between these two programs and helps Michigan farmers and craft beverage makers succeed!
If you are interested in becoming a qualified small distiller or want to learn more about it, click here!
International Marketing
As we wrap up 2023 and look to 2024, the International Marketing Program is looking back at 2023 and highlighting some of the ways that Michigan food and agriculture companies are finding success in the international market.
In 2023, MDARD’s International Marketing Program led or assisted on three trade and buyers' missions through the Food Export Association of the Midwest.
The program hosted Michigan Pavilions at five trade shows, including one in Cologne, Germany. Trade shows included the National Restaurant Association Show, the Sweets and Snacks Expo, Summer Fancy Food Show, ANUGA, and the Global Produce and Floral Show.
Check out the results from the 2023 trade shows!
Immediate Domestic Sales: $3.251 million
Immediate Export Sales: $1.242 million
Projected 12-month Domestic Sales: $8.822 million
Projected 12-month International Sales: $4.290 million
Domestic Leads: 792
International Leads: 314

In 2024 we will travel to the Sweets and Snacks Expo in Indianapolis, IN; the National Restaurant Association Show in Chicago, IL; the Summer Fancy Food Show in New York, NY; the Global Produce and Floral Show in Atlanta, GA; and SIAL Paris in Paris, France! Contact our team if you are interested in attending any of these shows at MDARD-AgD@michigan.gov!
Many of these events qualify for Food Export’s Branded Program which is a cost-reimbursement program for up to 50% on marketing for your company including digital marketing, new labels to meet a market’s requirements, trade show booth space, and more. Contact our team for more information on the program and how our International Marketing Program can help your company!
We are looking forward to helping more Michigan food and agriculture companies in 2024!
2024 Industry Input Survey Now Open!
MDARD announced a ‘2024 Industry Input Survey’ asking for public input into upcoming grant programs for next year. The goal of this feedback opportunity is to hear from industry professionals whose responses will help to shape program priorities to better reflect the needs of Michigan’s food and agriculture industry.
“Thanks to Governor Whitmer’s bipartisan budget investments, MDARD will launch new grant programs in 2024 focusing on building resiliency, increasing market opportunities, and creating new jobs within the food and agriculture sector. We want these programs to reflect our industry’s needs,” said MDARD Director, Tim Boring. “Collaboration is key within MDARD. We want to hear directly from those impacted by our programs and learn how we can best grow Michigan’s food and agriculture sector together.”
The input opportunity will be open for feedback until December 20th, 2023. To enter your feedback, click here.
"Michigan is home to a variety of commodity boards. These organizations, from celery to sugar beets, represent Michigan's incredibly diverse and strong agricultural sectors," said Director Boring. "MDARD is committed to working along our commodities to ensure that Michigan's food and agriculture industry continues to expand and thrive while using sustainable practices that will positively impact and help future generations."
Throughout 2023, MDARD will meet with Michigan's food and agricultural businesses to discuss how they can continue to succeed and how the department can best assist their continuous growth and expansion.
The Wholesale Potato Dealer Licensing program protects Michigan potato farmers from losses due to a wholesale potato dealer's failure to pay for potatoes purchased.
Every wholesale potato dealer must obtain a license is required to provide MDARDwith a bond or letter of credit. The cost of a license is $100. Annually, dealer licenses expire on May 31st, 2023.
This is a breakdown of the licensing process:.
Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development Agriculture Development Division Attention: Jeff Haarer P.O. Box 30017 Lansing, MI 48909
March 12-14, 2024 | Guadalajara, Mexico
May 13-16, 2024 | Indianapolis, IN
May 19-21, 2024 | Chicago, IL
June 23-25, 2024 | New York, NY
October 17-19, 2024 | Atlanta, GA
October 19-23, 2024 | Paris, France
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Agriculture Development Division MDARD-AgD@Michigan.gov