In the table below, you can view our currently open grants that are available, and you can also view our upcoming grants that will be accepting applications soon! For more information on our current, upcoming, and other grants, visit www.Michigan.gov/MDARDGrants.
Current Open Grants |
Applicants |
Description |
Farm Innovation Grants |
Universities, colleges, community colleges, tech centers, technology incubators, and research centers in Michigan |
The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development offers the Farm Innovation Program to in-state educational and research centers to develop and support innovative solutions to real, immediate, and future farm problems facing Michigan’s food and agricultural industry. |
Michigan Craft Beverage Council Research Grants |
Universities, colleges, community colleges, non-profit organizations, trade organizations, for-profit organizations |
The Michigan Craft Beverage Council is a 10-member, governor-appointed board that is advisory to the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. The Council represents a unified craft beverage industry and coordinates research, promotion, and agricultural business development efforts. |
Wastewater Infrastructure Fund Grant |
Food and agriculture business in Michigan |
The MDARD Agriculture Development Division administers these grants to ensure compliance with the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) wastewater regulations under the Groundwater Discharge Permit Program. |
Upcoming Grants |
Applicants |
Description |
Rural Development Fund Grants - Opening October 24, 2023. |
Individuals, organizations, businesses, local units of government, federally recognized tribes, and educational institutions in the eligible counties in Michigan |
The MDARD Agriculture Development Division provides grant opportunities to promote the sustainability of land-based industries and support infrastructure that benefits rural communities. |
Specialty Crop Block Grants - Opening December 12, 2023. |
Non-profit organizations, for-profit organizations, local, state, and federal government entities, including tribal governments |
The MDARD Agriculture Development Division facilitates the grant funds to projects to enhance the competitiveness of Michigan specialty crops, which include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). |
Value-Added and Regional Food Systems Grants - Opening February, 2024. |
Food and agriculture businesses, farmers, food hubs, and food access organizations |
The MDARD Agriculture Development Division administers these grants to establish, retain, expand, attract or develop value added agricultural processing in Michigan, or that expand or develop regional food systems or access the healthy food. |
Click the link below to visit our grants page and see the qualifications and eligibility requirements for the current and upcoming grants!
Proposals must be received no later than 3 p.m. on Friday, October 13
The Michigan Craft Beverage Council (MCBC) is accepting research grant proposals for the 2024 research program, with a maximum grant award of $40,000.
A full list of the MCBC's research priorities and evaluation criteria are available on the MDARD grants page.
LANSING, Mich. —The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) announced the Michigan recipients of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant Program.
"Michigan is better when there's increased diversity within our food and agricultural sector, more specialty crops, and more value per acre for our farmers," said MDARD Director Tim Boring. "USDA's funding helps Michigan farmers to keep their competitive edge, advance research, and create new economic opportunities within the specialty crop sector especially as the agricultural community continues to be deeply impacted by the effects of climate change. We greatly appreciate USDA’s and Senator Stabenow’s ongoing support of Michigan’s farming families and businesses.”
The interactive maps can be found within each of our grant's specific pages. These maps can show you statistical information for past and current grants, including the amount awarded by fiscal year, the number of projects by fiscal year, the number of projects by county, and more! The data for previous years is also available and easily changeable on the filters table on the left side of the map. That information can be used to see what projects have been chosen for funding in the past, so you can gauge whether or not your project could qualify!
MiAgGrants Launching in October 2023!
At MDARD, we're focused on delivering expertise, opportunities, and guidance supporting our thriving Michigan food and agriculture sector. MDARD assistance doesn't mean more paperwork. In fact, we're continuing to work on how we can streamline processes to serve Michiganders and business owners better.
This month, MDARD's new Grants Management System, MiAgGrants, will launch. MiAgGrants is a streamlined system for grant applications. This system will help manage applicant, grant, and grantee information to make the process more efficient from the application through the closing out of grant awards.
Additionally, MiAgGrants will allow the Grants Program the ability to send applicants reminders and communicate with grantees. By increasing communication with grantees, the new Grants Management System will make it so that we can answer applicant questions and work more closely with grantees.
MiAgGrants reduces barriers and allows more access to the opportunities available within MDARD.
Stay tuned for more information on MiAgGrants.
International Marketing
Food Export is now accepting applications for their Branded Program for 2024! The Branded Program provides 50% cost reimbursement for a variety of international marketing activities. Eligibility for the program is based upon the following: your company is headquartered in the U.S., your company meets Small Business Association Guidelines, and your company promotes name brand products with at least 50% U.S. agricultural content by weight.
Your company can receive cost reimbursement on the below marketing activities and more:
International web site development
Foreign market-compliant packaging and labels
Advertising and public relations
In-store promotions and product demonstrations
Fees for exhibiting at select overseas and domestic trade shows
Marketing and point-of-sale materials
Freight costs for product samples
Learn more about the Branded Program and apply. If you or your company is interested in learning more about export opportunities or the Branded Program contact our International Marketing Team at MDARD-AgD@michigan.gov.
The Rural Development Fund Grant is a cost reimbursement grant opportunity for rural communities to address their needs with projects that are focused on expansion and the sustainability of land-based industries that benefit those communities and micropolitan statistical areas! Multiple land-based industries are eligible to apply for this grant fund including food and agriculture, forestry, mining, oil and gas production, and tourism. Visit the learn more button below to view the eligibility requirements and criteria and see if you qualify!

October 19-21, 2023 | Anaheim, California *SOLD OUT*
ANTAD Expo Mexico
March 12-14, 2024 | Guadalajara, Mexico
May 19-21, 2024 | Chicago, IL
June 23-25, 2024 | New York, NY
October 17-19, 2024 | Atlanta, GA
October 19-23, 2024 | Paris, France
Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Agriculture Development Division MDARD-AgD@Michigan.gov