CEPI Announcements: 4.5.2017

April 5, 2017

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CEPI Announcements are sent on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Prior announcements are available on our website.

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Scheduled Down Time for CEPI Applications

The MSDS will be offline beginning at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Thursday, April 6 until approximately 12 p.m. EDT on Monday, April 10. During this maintenance window, we will be performing the Spring 2017 General Collection closeout process, including updating PEPE and Cohort information. Once the system is back online, the Spring 2017 DS4061s will be available for editing by ISD auditors.

MILogin is scheduled to be offline on Sunday, April 16 between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m.

MSDS Direct Certification Refresh: April 7

The report of students who are directly certified to receive free supplemental nutrition services will be refreshed Friday, April 7, using the following records:

  • Early Roster Collection (nonpublic schools only) records that were resolved and error-free prior to April 5.
  • Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 General Collection certified records.
  • Early Childhood Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 certified records.
  • Student Record Maintenance (SRM) records that were certified prior to April 7.

MSDS EOP 2017 EC Collection Open

The Michigan Student Data System (MSDS) End of Program (EOP) 2017 Early Childhood (EC) Collection is now available as of Wednesday, March 22:

Important Dates:

  • Reporting Period: February 9 through August 9
  • Mid-collection data quality snapshot: August 3 (tentative)
  • Certification Deadline: August 16

Be sure to include exit data for children who left a program during the reporting period. Children who meet the age eligibility requirements to enroll in Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) for a second year must reapply, and their applications must be considered alongside all other applications when enrollment decisions are made for next year. Therefore, all GSRP children reported in the EOP Early Childhood Collection must be reported with program end dates and exit reasons. Children who are re-enrolled for another year of GSRP services should be reported with new program start dates in the Fall Early Childhood Collection.

Children who are not continuing in the same program next year should be reported with the applicable program end dates and exit reasons in this collection window.

You are required to report any student identified as participating in the GSRP, GSRP/Head Start Blend, Sec. 32p Early Childhood Block Grant, or Section 32p(4) Home Visitation programs in the End of Program collection.

Additional resource materials are located on the Early Childhood Collection web page.

MSDS: New EC Program Code for 32p(4) Home Visitation

EC Program code 19, Section 32p(4) Home Visitation, is available in the EC Programs Component as of March 22. This code should be submitted for children birth to age 6 or kindergarten entry who are experiencing factors that place them at risk of not achieving success in school, and are being served in home visiting programs. This characteristic may not be available within each individual student information system, but can be manually inputted in a child’s record in the MSDS. It will be accepted if uploaded in the Early Childhood EOP 2017 schema. For the 2017-18 school year, this code will be included in all Early Childhood Collection documentation.

The following documents and the Early Childhood Collection web page are being updated to accommodate the new enumeration:

  • Business rule spreadsheets (both PDF and XLS) for the Early Childhood Programs Component
  • EOP 2017 XML Schema
  • EOP 2017 XML Schema Summary
  • MSDS Collection Details Manual, 2016-17 School Year

SID: Reduction in Crime and Safety Reporting Requirements

Public Act 532, Section 1310a. (2) substantially reduced districts’ burdens of reporting crime and safety data to the State of Michigan. CEPI and Michigan Department of Education (MDE) have worked together to modify the School Information Database (SID) collection to only require fields necessary for state and federal compliance reporting. Beginning with the end-of-year (EOY) 2017 SID submission, districts are only required to report incidents of bullying (Field 4A) and the student count of victims of violent criminal offenses (Field 44). All other crime and safety fields will remain in the current submission as optional fields. In addition, Section 1310a. (2) of Public Act 532 now requires each district to post incidents of crime, at least annually, on its website. The content of this report shall be determined through collaboration between the State Superintendent, select local and intermediate school districts, and law enforcement officials. 

  • 2016-17 School Year: No record layout changes will be made (data may still be submitted). For optional fields, all business rules will be removed and fields will not be validated. Optional data will be removed during the collection closeout process and will not be available for any reporting or analysis.
  • 2017-18 School Year: Optional fields will be completely removed from the application and record layout. The only remaining fields will be the required fields, 4A and 44.

The 2017 SID collection opened April 1. Districts may submit their SID data now through 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 30. All SID EOY documents have been updated to reflect the optional reporting of all fields except required fields 4A and 44. Please visit the SID webpage for updated documents.

REP: EOY 2017 Collection is Now Open

The EOY 2017 Registry of Educational Personnel (REP) opened April 1. Districts may submit their REP data now through 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 30. Please be sure to review the EOY 2017 REP Data Field Descriptions, Record Layout, and other important help materials located on the REP web page under the Manuals, Help and Training, and Technical Material sections of the page.

D/CH: Will Open on May 1 in the EEM

We are pleased to announce that the Days and Clock Hours Application (D/CH) for the 2016-17 school year will be accessible to users beginning on May 1. The reporting of instructional days and hours is required by Section 101 of the State School Aid Act (MCL 388.1701). The reporting cycle for 2016-17 will remain open to district users through July 14. After that, intermediate school district (ISD) users will have until August 1 to review and certify the report.

D/CH users will notice a change in the application from previous versions. The change is intended to make the D/CH easier to use with reduced data entry. In this year’s collection, districts in compliance with the days, hours and attendance provisions of the School Aid Act will only be required to certify that the requirements have been met. Only districts that have not met the minimum requirements will need to provide additional details. Because the D/CH application will now open near the end of the school year, it is important for districts to maintain a log of missed or reduced days, hours, and attendance that occur during the school year.

Access to the application is controlled. Districts may request access to the application by submitting an EEM Security Agreement form to CEPI per the instructions with the form. In addition, an updated Days and Clock Hours User's Guide will be posted shortly so that users may familiarize themselves with the application prior to starting their reporting for the year. The guide is located in the "Manuals" section of the EEM web page.

We encourage district users to complete their submission as soon as possible after the school year ends, leaving ample time for corrections to be submitted as identified by the ISD users.

MSDS 2017-18 School Year Resources

The MSDS 2017-18 Collection Component Matrix is now available on the MSDS webpage (under the "Technical Material" section). Additionally, XML schemas, sample files, and summary documents are now available for the following collections: