Maine Immunization Program Weekly Update November 8, 2024

Maine Immunization Program Weekly Update

November 8, 2024


Incorrect Eligibility Categories Choosen in ImmPact

The Maine Immunization Program has seen an increase of errors  being made within ImmPact when it comes to using the correct eligibility category for patients. As a reminder, we ask that providers carefully choose the correct category after vaccinating a patient. This is important because selecting the correct eligibility helps us accurately estimate the funding we'll need from the Federal CDC to cover vaccines.

Providers are reminded that if these errors continue, they may face probation from the program. Ensuring accurate eligibility selection is crucial for maintaining compliance and for allocation of vaccine funding. Please review the eligibility categories listed below carefully to avoid potential issues:

  • V01 - Not VFC-eligible (for private supply, all ages)
  • V02 - VFC eligible: Medicaid/Medicaid (children under 19 years)
  • V03 - VFC eligible: Uninsured (children under 19 years)
  • V04 - VFC eligible: American Indian/Alaska Native (children under 19 years)
  • V05 - VFC eligible: Underinsured (children under 19 years)
  • MEA01 - State eligible: Insured children (children under 19 years)
  • V07 - 317 Fund: Uninsured adults (adults over 18 years)

Failure to adhere to these guidelines could impact your participation in the program.Thank you for your attention to this.

MIP's Upcoming Virtual Training - November 21, 2024

As a friendly reminder, we will be hosting a virtual training session Thursday, November 21, 2024. This virtual training will replace the canceled in-person regional trainings. Participation will now be easier and more convenient to all providers!

To register, please complete the registration form.

Increase in Pertussis Cases in Maine

Maine is seeing an uptick in pertussis cases, commonly known as whooping cough.

The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) reports 101 pertussis cases between January 1 and October 23, 2024.

Last year, 76 cases were reported throughout all of 2023.

Ages ranged from 1 month to 55 years old. Teenagers (13-19 years old) accounted for 43% of cases. Children under 5 years old accounted for 26% of cases.

The best way to prevent pertussis is to get vaccinated. Providers should ensure all patients are up to date on pertussis vaccination per U.S. CDC recommendations. The Maine CDC has created a Pertussis Guide for Health Care Providers.

For more information, please see the recently released Maine Health Alert Network Advisory.

NEW/UPDATED Provider Resources

New RSV Q&A Sheets

The Vaccine Education Center with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia recently released two new Q&A sheets:

  • “RSV and Adults: What You Should Know” is available in English and Spanish.
  • “Protecting Babies From RSV: What You Should Know” is available in English and Spanish.

Pneumococcal Vaccine Timing for Adults Job-Aid

CDC recently lowered the age recommendation for pneumococcal vaccination from 65 years down to 50 years. Make sure your patients are up to date with pneumococcal vaccination with the help of this job aid.

Pink Book Web On-Demand Update

Updated Pink Book Web-on-Demand training modules covering immunization basics are live online. Modules include the following important fundamental topics: Office Hours is a non-profit organization that offers vaccination resources to educate healthcare professionals and provide up-to-date information and remove barriers to vaccination.
They are now hosting an "Office Hours" series to  provide short, live demonstrations on navigating the website. After the demonstration, participants will be able to submit questions through the Q&A box on Zoom.
For more information on upcoming calls, please visit their Calendar of Events. updates eight patient handouts promoting vaccinations for adults recently updated its series of one-page vaccination guides for adults generally, men who have sex with men, and adults with any of six chronic health conditions. Where relevant, guides now also incorporate the latest recommendations for:

  • Adults who may need mpox vaccine
  • Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for all adults age 50 and older

The revised handouts for adults are listed below.