Maine Immunization Program Weekly Update - September 13, 2024

Maine Immunization Program

Weekly Update

September 13, 2024



You’re Invited: MIP Regional Meeting 

Please join us for one of our regional meetings (links below). Providers are encouraged to join us at one of the four meetings. 

The goal of this meeting is to equip you with immunization knowledge, including programmatic updates. We also hope that this serves as an opportunity to connect with resources that will help you deliver a successful vaccine campaign. 

Join other VFC providers and other professionals to gain the inspiration, knowledge, and connections that are the fuel behind every successful vaccination season 

Locations and dates of our regional meetings are as follows:  

Please click the link to register for the event. Each participant will be expected to fill out their own registration. 

Presque Isle Registration October 2, 2024

Bangor Registration October 3, 2024

Portland Registration October 29, 2024

Augusta Registration October 30, 2024

September is Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month! 


September is recognized as Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month. HPV can cause three of the five main gynecologic cancer types, including cervical cancer.  

Did you know as many as 93% of cervical cancers can be prevented through the HPV vaccine? That’s why it’s important to protect your child by completing the HPV vaccine series. HPV vaccination IS cancer prevention. 

Data Logger Updates

MIP has received questions about when new digital data loggers will be available. MIP is still in the procurement process. There are multiple phases to complete before the official purchase can take place. MIP plans to upgrade to new cloud base digital data loggers for all enrolled provider sites. Providing a single data logger to use in each storage unit containing state supplied vaccine and one back-up data logger will also be provided to each site. Until we are able to send you the new devices, we ask provider sites to continue using their primary and back up data logger they have currently in place. More details will be provided in the coming months. Please reference the Data Logger Frequently Asked Questions  

Reminder: VFC Providers Must Offer COVID-19 Vaccine 


A requirement to participating in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, providers must offer all recommended routine VFC vaccines in accordance with the CDC Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.

To uphold your provider agreement with the Maine Immunization, providers must have COVID-19 available for all pediatric patients 6 months and older, including those with MaineCare who may go without being vaccinated if they are turned away at their doctor’s office. With the exception of certain specialty providers, temporary/mobile/off-site clinics, and pharmacies, all enrolled VFC provider locations are required to procure and maintain COVID-19 vaccine inventory for the populations they serve.  

For the most up to date COVID-19 vaccine clinical guidance, please reference Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC 

Availability of COVID-19 Vaccine for Under and Uninsured Adults

The Maine Immunization Program has received a substantial supply of COVID-19 vaccine designated specifically for under and uninsured adults in the state of Maine. This vaccine comes just in time with the ending of the Bridge Access Program last month.

Understanding that many adults have previously chosen to get vaccinated at local pharmacies, we will be partnering with a select few to offer vaccine through our 317 Adult Vaccine Program. Additionally, this vaccine will also be available for 317 providers to order through the pre-booking process.

To be eligible for administration, patients must be 19 years or older and either under or uninsured.

Please contact: to enroll in our 317 program or to request doses if you are a current provider.

Vaccine Coordinators Annual VFC Education Due by October 1, 2024


This is a friendly reminder to assigned Vaccine Coordinators that have not yet completed the required annual VFC educational module to do so before 10/1/24, to avoid potential interruptions to vaccine ordering.    

Education completed before 7/1/24 will not be counted towards this new fiscal year (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025). All education must be completed on or after July 1, 2024.  

Click here to complete the annual VFC education requirement, if you have not done so already.