The Maine Immunization Program is pleased to announce the new mobile launch of the Docket® app, now available for Mainers to access their immunization record through their smartphones or other mobile devices. The app displays vaccination history to anyone with a record in Maine’s IIS whose identity has been verified through the Docket® app. Anyone 18 years of age or older may use Docket® to look up their own immunization record and parent/legal guardian or authorized personal representative, usually for a minor child or vulnerable adult, may utilize Docket on behalf of individuals in their care.
Docket® is an application that will make accessing immunization records easy, by searching Maine’s Immunization Information System (IIS) using basic demographic information (name, date of birth, and sex) to display immunization record information on a mobile device. Phone number verification is required. The Docket® app can be used whenever you need to share immunization records, such as during school registration or childcare registration. This application is not a vaccine passport.
As a provider your participation is crucial in making this launch a success. We encourage providers to widely promote this app to their patients. We will be shipping posters in the mail to display in waiting rooms to help spread the word about this exciting tool!
Nathan Scott and Michael Perretta, co-founders of the Docket® app, will be joining us to present on their app, Thursday, August 8, 2024, from 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM.
To learn more about Docket®, please visit the Maine Immunization Program’s website at:
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The Immunization Action Coalition has recently updated the following handout, which includes helpful information on proper vaccine storage and handling.
Vaccine Handling Tips ( |
 National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM) is an annual observance held in August to highlight the importance of vaccination for people of all ages. Together, we can help raise awareness about the importance of vaccination and encourage people to talk to a healthcare provider they trust about staying up to date on their vaccinations.
Use these resources to help you discuss vaccinations with your patients and parents during NIAM and throughout the year.
The Bridge Access Program will be ending this month, when the new COVID -19 vaccines become available. We anticipate the updated COVID-19 vaccines to be available in mid-August.
Once the Bridge Access Program has ended, COVID-19 vaccine will transition to the 317 Adult Vaccine Program. We will have limited vaccine available to enrolled providers to order for adults 19 years and older who are under and uninsured. Providers interested in ordering must be enrolled in the 317 adult vaccine program. For questions, please contact
As parents prepare to send their children back to school, remind them routine vaccinations are a great tool to keep kids healthy, in school, and ready to learn.
All staff in schools and in healthcare settings play critical roles in helping children get caught up on their routine vaccines before the start of a new school year. Use these resources through the "Let's RISE" campaign to help kids stay up to date on their vaccines. |