Maine Immunization Program Weekly Update - June 10, 2024

Maine Immunization Program

Weekly Update

June 10, 2024


ImmPact Access for Non-MIP Providers

The Maine Immunization Program is pleased to announce that we will be reinstating the allowance for non-MIP providers to have access to ImmPact. We have recognized the importance of this function for providers and how lack of access to patient immunization records may directly affect healthcare in our state.

We strongly encourage schools, colleges, and employee health departments to enroll in ImmPact to review patient, student and healthcare worker immunization records. Additionally, we encourage long-term care facilities to enroll for transfers of influenza, COVID-19 and RSV immunizations.

If you are interested in gaining access to ImmPact, please fill out and submit an ImmPact User Agreement to or fax to: (207) 287-8127.

Order COVID-19 Vaccine for Adults NOW!

We are encouraging enrolled providers who have a population of under or uninsured adults 19 years and older who may be in need of COVID-19 vaccine to request doses now. MIP has sufficient supply of COVID-19 vaccine that is still available for this population through the Bridge Access Program.

Although we are at the end of the respiratory season and uptake of the vaccine has lessened substantially, we urge you to encourage those who may be under or uninsured to get vaccinated now while this vaccine is available to them at no cost.

If you are an enrolled provider with MIP and interested in obtaining COVID-19 vaccine for your 19y+ under or uninsured population, please send requests to Any non-administered doses will not be counted towards your "preventable wastage".

COVID-19 vaccine for this specific population, will not be available to order after August 2024.

Improper Vaccine Administration

We have seen an increase of VFC vaccines being administered to adults 19 years and older. MIP enrolled providers receiving VFC vaccine, may ONLY administer the vaccine to children ages 0-18 years. Adults 19y+, whether they are insured or 317 eligible (under/uninsured) may NOT receive VFC vaccine.

MIP will begin processing weekly transaction reports to ensure vaccine is being properly administered to only those eligible to receive it. If a dose is identified as being improperly administered, an MIP staff member will contact the provider site discuss replacing the misadministered vaccine and request that a "Borrowing Report" is filled out.

Providers will be responsible for replacement (with privately purchased vaccine) of any dose administered to a patient who may not be eligible to receive it.  

Children on Catch-Up Schedules and School Attendance

Just as quickly as the school year comes to a close, a new school year will be upon us. The summer months are a great time for children to get caught up on vaccinations that they may be missing.

We want to remind providers that it is acceptable to issue a medical exemption to schools for children that intend on completing the required vaccinations, but are on a catch-up or alternative schedule.

A child on a catch-up or alternative schedule for childhood vaccines may attend school with either a 90-day written assurance exemption from the parent to get vaccinated or under a temporary medical exemption from a licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant.

Upcoming Webinar Reminder: PreHevbrio Hepatitis B vaccine for adults 19-59 years

The Maine Immunization Program will be hosting a lunch and learn webinar on Thursday, June 13 @ 12:00 PM that will focus on the PreHevbrio Hepatitis B vaccine for adults 19-59 years.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4800 6212
Passcode: 65057837