VFC Providers Must Offer COVID-19 Vaccine

Commissioner Lambrew letterhead

To: Maine Immunization Program Providers

From: Maine Immunization Program

Subject: VFC Providers Must Offer COVID-19 Vaccine

Date: November 9, 2023


We have been hearing frequently from MaineCare Services as well as the public that patients are being turned away from their primary care providers and referred to nearby pharmacies to receive their COVID-19 vaccination for children. This has created a barrier to MaineCare patients, as the COVID-19 vaccination is not covered by MaineCare when administered to children at a pharmacy location. This leaves them with very few opportunities for vaccination when their primary care providers do not offer the vaccine in their office.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended the latest COVID-19 vaccine for children following commercialization in September. A requirement to participating in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, providers must offer all recommended routine VFC vaccines in accordance with the CDC Child and Adolescent Immunization Schedule. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html

To uphold your provider agreement with the Maine Immunization, providers must have COVID-19 available for all pediatric patients 6 months and older, including those with MaineCare who may go without being vaccinated if they are turned away at their doctor’s office. With the exception of certain specialty providers, temporary/mobile/off-site clinics, and pharmacies, all enrolled VFC provider locations are required to procure and maintain COVID-19 vaccine inventory for the populations they serve.

As a reminder, minimum order quantities are now 10 doses. Additionally, if there is concern with ordering only one presentation, an age-appropriate COVID-19 vaccine from a different manufacturer may be administered to a patient if:

  • Same vaccine not available at the vaccination site at the time of the clinic visit
  • Previous dose unknown
  • Person would otherwise not receive a recommended vaccine dose
  • Person starts but unable to complete a vaccination series with the same COVID-19 vaccine due to a contraindication

Below is a list of pediatric COVID-19 vaccine available:

covid availability

For the most up to date COVID-19 vaccine clinical guidance, please reference Clinical Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccination | CDC.

Please help to ensure COVID-19 vaccine, along with all routine vaccinations are available to Maine children. As always, we thank you for all you do to ensure Maine children are protected against vaccine preventable disease. If you have questions, please contact MIP at (207) 287-3746 or email: ImmunizeME.DHHS@maine.gov