To: Maine Immunization Program
From: Maine Immunization Program Providers
Subject: ImmPact User Agreements
Date: November 4, 2022
The Maine Immunization Program (MIP) requires that the following individuals provide a signed ImmPact Administrator User Agreement by December 31, 2022:
- Primary Vaccine Coordinators
- Back Up Vaccine Coordinators
The Vaccine Coordinator user agreement can be found here.
MIP requires the following individuals to provide a signed ImmPact Individual Non-Vaccine User Agreement by December 31, 2022:
- Schools (unless receiving vaccines from the program, then the above applies)
- Pharmacies
- Any additional non-vaccine locations
The Non-Vaccine user agreement can be found here.
All individuals within your organization with active log-in credentials for ImmPact must have a signed ImmPact Individual User Agreement on file. These individual user agreements should be kept on file at your facility and be made available to MIP if necessary. These do NOT need to be sent to MIP.
Individual user agreements can be found here.
As a recap, the following are due to us by December 31, 2022:
- All ImmPact Administrator User Agreements
- All Individual Non-Vaccine User Agreements
Thank you.