The U.S. CDC recommends that some individuals who received the Pfizer vaccine get a booster dose. This includes:
- those who are 65 years and older
- residents in long-term care facilities
- people ages 50-64 years with underlying medical conditions.
- people ages 18-49 with underlying medical conditions
- those ages 18-64 at increased risk for COVID-19 exposure and transmission may also receive a booster.
For more information, see this FAQ. To find a booster dose of the Pfizer vaccine, find a vaccination site offering the Pfizer shot.
The federal Flu Vaccine Finder tool is not yet updated to reflect flu vaccine locations. It still currently only shows COVID-19 vaccine locations. We expect that the CDC is working through this and will share updates soon.
In early August, several Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) were updated. Please check all of your clinic’s printed VIS and replace any that are outdated with the most current versions.
Visit CDC’s VIS webpage to print the current versions of each statement. You can also sign up through this webpage to receive email alerts when VIS are updated.
Due to the federal CDC reporting requirement, the ImmPact Patient Non-Participation Form (Opt-Out form) cannot be used to remove COVID-19 administration documentation.
All providers administering COVID-19 vaccination must document the recipient's vaccination in ImmPact within 24-hours of administration.
The Vaccine Coordinator Training, which serves as a refresher of VFC requirements, will now be held once a week on Tuesdays.
Valerie MacKenzie will be hosting these trainings, which will be available to all VFC provider sites.
When: Every Tuesday at 12:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 920 8072 1290
Passcode: cMnCc6
We have updated and streamlined our free scheduling platform, Skedulo.
We’ve made the platform more user-friendly (including translation into eight of the most common languages in Maine besides English) to allow patients to schedule appointments and find clinics by location, dose, and vaccine manufacturer.
Enhancements have been made. By utilizing the VaccinateME site, users can easily find your vaccination clinic and set up an appointment. We’ve also streamlined the back-end scheduling and ImmPact reporting processes.
Please reach out to Colby Gray and Lindsay Hammes if you are interested in working with us to have your clinics made visible on VaccinateMe.
The Immunization Action Coalition updated the 2021–2022 Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Live Attenuated Intranasal Influenza Vaccination to provide more details regarding cerebrospinal fluid leak. IAC also updated the Screening Checklist for Contraindications to Inactivated Injectable Influenza Vaccination to expand the options for vaccination now recommended by CDC for people who have had a severe allergic reaction to a prior dose of flu vaccine. |