Maine DWP Update: Reminder – Seasonal Systems Delayed Openings Due to COVID-19

This update is coming to you from the Maine CDC Drinking Water Program.

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Reminder – Seasonal Systems Delayed Opening Due to COVID-19

In light of the plan recently announced by Governor Janet Mills to restart Maine’s economy, we anticipate that many seasonal water systems may be opening soon.  However, some may be opening later than usual or making the decision not to open in 2020.  Please read below for a reminder of important guidelines for seasonal systems.

The Maine Drinking Water Program (DWP) understands that due to the current public health situation, many seasonal public water systems will
need to delay opening their businesses for the 2020 season. Here is
what you should do if you operate a seasonal public water system that
will have a delayed opening in 2020:

•  Notify your DWP Inspector if your plans to open for the season have
   changed. If you don’t know how to contact your 
inspector, call the
   DWP main line at 207-287-2070.

•  When you do open your seasonal business, perform your seasonal
   startup and submit the certification to the DWP 
within 30 days. You
   can find a link to information for seasonal public water systems,
   including seasonal startup 
documentation on the DWP website

Closed Camp

Once you have notified the DWP that your public water system will have a delayed opening, DWP staff will make note of that, and no sampling or seasonal startup violations will be issued as long as you complete the seasonal startup procedure as required when you open.

As always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the DWP by calling your DWP Inspector or our main line at 207-287-2070 with any questions or concerns you may have.


•  Maine DWP Online

•  DWP Guidance for Seasonal Systems