Get Ready for National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW)!
Register for the VIC Network Webinar on March 7th! During this planning webinar, participants will learn about NIIW
planning tools, digital communication resources, and CDC activities planned for
the week. The Houston Health Department will also share lessons learned from
NIIW 2017, including outreach to pregnant women about infant immunization, as
well as plans for this year.
March 7, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
To register, click here.
Where is my Certificate of Completion?!
Once you have completed your training modules follow the steps below to print your Certificate of Completion:
- Login to your Training and Continuing Education Online (TCEO) account here.
- Go to the Participant Services page and then select the 2nd icon, 'Evaluation and Tests'.
- Select 'Self-Study Courses'.
- Identify the title of the course you want CE for and then click 'Take Evaluation/Post-test' in the 5th column next to that course title. (If the evaluation is not there, click on 'Participant Services' then 'Transcript & Certificate' to see if it is in there)
- Enter the verification code if required. Note: The verification code is provided during the course. TCEO does not have access to verification codes.
- Complete the evaluation and click Submit. You will be directed to a page that says, "Thank you for completing the Evaluation."
- At this time you will be redirected to take the post-test.
- Successfully complete the post-test and click submit.
You have now completed the CE process for this course and can print your certificate by clicking on 'Participant Services' then 'Transcript & Certificate'. Fax to MIP at 207-287-8127.
2018 Recommended Immunization Schedules are now available
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger
Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 years or Older
These may also be accessed on the ImmPact homepage.
Training Opportunity for Providers Affiliated with MaineHealth
MaineHealth offers a great opportunity for affiliated providers to earn CE credits as well as fulfill the Maine Immunization Program's training requirement. If you are a MaineHealth provider, please click here to complete the training.
The Flu Vaccine is Working Better Than Expected
Interim estimates for 2017-18 flu vaccine estimates were released on February 16th and according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), this year’s vaccine is about 25% effective against the H3N2 strain of flu that is causing most illnesses and deaths. Overall estimated effectiveness of the flu vaccine is about 36%. It is about 51% effective in children.
The interim estimate of 25% vaccine effectiveness (VE) against the H3N2 strain this season shows that vaccination provided some protection, in contrast to recently reported, non- significant interim estimates of 17% from Canada and 10% from Australia and is similar to final (32%) VE estimates in the United States against H3N2 viruses during 2016–17.
Among children aged 6 months through 8 years, the interim estimates against any influenza and H3N2 virus infection were higher; the risk for H3N2 associated medically-attended influenza illness was reduced by more than half (59%) among vaccinated children.
Please continue to vaccinate your patients!
For the full article, click here.

Temperature Logs
When filling in your daily temperatures, it is very important to enter the following information every time:
1. Open & Close times
2. Open & Close temperatures
3. Minimum & Maximum temperatures
4. Initials of person that took the temperature