Fall 2017 Maine Nonpoint Source Training News

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                                                                                                                     August 2017

In this Issue:  

Center Announces Fall 2017 Training Schedule

The NPS Training and Resource Center's Fall 2017 Training Schedule contains a number of course sessions to provide training to contractors, municipal officials, consultants and others.   

For individuals who are looking to obtain DEP certification in erosion control practices, seven programs in Basic and Advanced Erosion and Sediment Control practices will be offered at locations throughout the state. Most municipalities are now requiring contractors working in the shoreland zone to be certified if they are involved with soil disturbance activity, making certification a pre-requisite if you are doing excavation work in the state.   

The Center will also be offering a course in Good Housekeeping, Handling Contaminated Soil and Spill Prevention.  This half-day program will feature information on measures to keep construction sites from becoming sources of polluted stormwater.  The course is designed to be used for re-certification credits by DEP Certified Contractors but is open to anyone interested in learning about these measures. The following is the course schedule along with registration information, please register early as courses can fill up quickly

     Basic and Advanced Erosion Control Practices
              Registration Fee: Varies per sponsor

Skowhegan, Community Center, October 12, 2017 
To register, contact Joe Dembeck at: 474-8323 Cell: 612-4136

Strong, Town Office, October 20, 2017
To register, contact Rosetta Thompson at: 778-4279   

Lewiston, Kaplan University, October 25, 2017
To register, contact Jocelyn Lahey at: 241-5374  

Addison, Fire Station, November 7, 2017
To register, contact  Judy Rolfe at: 483-4678     

Baileyville, Town Office, November 8, 2017
To register, contact Andrew Snowman at: 427-3442

York, Public Library, November 15, 2017
To register, contact Amber Harrison at: 363-1002 Ext. 244    

Swanville, Town Office, November 21, 2017
To register, contact David Schofield at: 338-5834 Cell 322-7365  

             Good Housekeeping / Handling Contaminated Soils / Spill Prevention
                                             Registration Fee: $45
                    To register, Contact NEIWPCC/JETCC at: 253-8020
                 NPS 1851 Presque Isle, N. Maine Com College, November 28, 2017

                 NPS 1852  Brewer, Jeff's Catering  November 29, 2017

                 NPS 1853  Augusta,  Armory, December 5, 2017

                NPS 1854  Lewiston,  Ramada Inn, December 7, 2017

                NPS 1855  Portland, Portland Water District, December 12, 2017 


Summary of Center's Winter/Spring 2017 Training Season


The Nonpoint Source Training and Resource Center’s 2017 Winter/ Spring training season hosted over 483 individuals. Training was held mostly for excavation contractors but was also attended by municipal officials and others.   

Training in erosion and sediment control practices was again provided throughout the state.  A total of 14 courses were held, with 383 people attending these programs.

In addition to the these, six continuing education courses were held; one on Shoreline Stabilization and five on Wetland Identification and Protection.  A total of 93 participants attended these sessions.

Finally, 184 certified individuals took advantage of  the Center's on-line offerings for continuing education with an additional 25 requesting a training session in CD-ROM format.      

The Center would again like to thank the Nonpoint Source Training Center Advisory Committee members, instructors, sponsors, NEIWPCC/J.E.T.C.C.,  and other organizations who made the Winter/Spring 2017 training season successful!

Lack of Continuing Education Credits Results in Loss of Certification for over 675 Individuals


As a result of a change in policy regarding limiting the grace period to six months for certified individuals to obtain re-certification credits, the deadline date to submit proof of continuing education is now June 30th of the following year after certification has expired.  Even after promoting and holding 10 live continuing education classes and providing three on-line classes and one class on CD-ROM, nearly 700 certified individuals failed to obtain needed credits to maintain their DEP certification.  This is unfortunate since these individuals will not be able to work in the shoreland zone without another certified indivudal overseeing their work.  In addition, if any of them would like to be re-instated, they will need to re-take the Basic and Advanced class and re-apply for certification.  This is costly and time consuming and could have been easily avoided.  For those of you whose certification is about to expire in 2017, please make sure to attend a continuing education program this fall or view a course on-line. You can even take two courses and receive 6 years on your certification. If you are having difficulty meeting this requirement and need assistance, please call the Center at: 215-9237.