February 2025 Newsletter from the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands

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Bureau of Parks and Lands

February 2025

In this Issue:

Director's Note - Forestry for the Future

Jacob Guimond, Regional Public Lands Manager.

Regional Public Lands Manager Jacob Guimond.

In the cold, dark months of winter, I often try to squeeze in some field time, and that field time usually involves forestry. Winter’s frozen ground and (in most winters) deep snow cover means that logging equipment is lighter on the land at this time of year. I recently joined BPL’s Northern Region Public Lands Manager, Jacob Guimond, and BPL/IFW’s Wildlife Biologist, Sarah Spencer, to look at a selection harvest in BPL’s Eagle Lake unit in Aroostook County. We explored the productive, mixed-wood stand of red spruce and yellow birch, noting wildlife tracks and an uncommon healthy beech tree that our forester for the site, Andrew Wilcox, designated to retain for its wildlife value and genetic stock.

Austin Plourde of JMM Logging.

Austin Plourde of JMM Logging.

The harvest activity looked superb -- closely following a prescription intended to remove the poor-quality growing stock and retain the healthy, valuable trees. We chatted briefly with the logger, Austin Plourde, of JMM Logging (a member of the Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast and Certified Logging Professionals), who was pleased to be working relatively close to home. Despite a year of very challenging timber markets, and with an eye towards what looms ahead regarding Spruce Budworm, it’s heartening to know that we can keep loggers and truckers employed and maintain efforts to keep our forests healthy and growing.

~ Andy Cutko, Director, Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands

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Camping Reservations Open on Monday, February 3 for Only Lily Bay and Sebago Lake State Parks, and for all State Park Campgrounds* on February 6

Campsite with a kettle on the fire and a dome tent  in the background.

On February 3* camping reservations will open at 9:00 a.m. EST for only Lily Bay and Sebago Lake State Park campgrounds. Make your reservations online at www.CampWithME.com

*Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

On February 6** camping reservations will open at 9:00 a.m. EST for all State Park campgrounds. Make your reservations online at www.CampWithME.com

**Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Friday, February 7, 2025.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Camping reservations are not being taken for Aroostook and Cobscook Bay State Park. They are closed for major improvements. We hope to have them ready for the 2025 camping season, but the construction completion date has not been determined. We will send a notice to our Newsletter subscribers when the reservations open for Aroostook and Cobscook Bay State Parks. For more information contact Kim Smith at 207-941-4014. 

~ Madelyn Johnson, Camping Reservations Manager

Group Camping & Picnic Shelter Reservations Open on Monday, February 3 - Call the Park* for Reservations

Online reservations are not available for Group Camping or Picnic Shelter Reservations. Please call the park directly, beginning on February 3

*Storm Date if Maine State Government is closed - Tuesday, February 4, 2025.

**IMPORTANT NOTE: Camping reservations are not being taken for Aroostook and Cobscook Bay State Park. They are closed for major improvements. We hope to have them ready for the 2025 camping season, but the construction completion date has not been determined. We will send a notice to our Newsletter subscribers when the reservations open for Aroostook and Cobscook Bay State Parks. For more information contact Kim Smith at 207-941-4014. 

~ Madelyn Johnson, Camping Reservations Manager

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Apply Now to Work at a Maine State Park this Summer

Maine State Park staff montage.

Our Summer Seasonal openings include:

  • Park Manager at Swan Lake State Park
  • Waterway Ranger - Penobscot River Corridor
  • Assistant Park Ranger - Allagash Wilderness Waterway
  • Park Ranger - Peaks-Kenny State Park, Camden Hills State Park , and other locations too!
  • Customer Service Representative  - Cobscook Bay, Lake St. George,  and six southern regional parks.
  • More seasonal and year-round listings are coming soon, including Lifeguard positions.

View the current listings and apply now!

Winter Fun Days - Join Us! First Event is on February 1

Winter Fin Day at Mount Blue State Park. Photo used by permission of Phil Savignano.

Snowshoeing at Mount Blue State Park. Photo by Phil Savignano. Below: Visitors at Bradbury Mountain State Park.

Visitors at a Winter Fun Day at Bradbury Mt. State Park.

Celebrate the joys of Winter by taking part in one or all of our Winter Fun Days! The Ski & Snowshoe Trailer will be at all the events loaning gear to use on-site, free with the Special Event Park Admission of 12 & older $1.50; Under 12 & over 65 free. Dates are listed below and all the details are on the Winter Fun Days page.

  • February 1 - Bradbury Mt. State Park, Pownal.
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    Guided hikes, games, warming fire & hot cocoa, and the Brickyard Hollow Food Truck will have their scrumptious pizza for purchase: breakfast pizza at 10 AM and other varieties at 11 AM to 3 PM. Ski & Snowshoe Trailer with gear for on-site loan. FMI: (207) 688-4712.
  • February 8 - Mount Blue State Park, 299 Center Hill Rd., Weld.
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    Nature displays, guided walk, ice skating with free skate loans in the yurt, sliding with tote rides by the Weld Winter Wildcats Snowmobile Club, a warming fire, coffee, and hot cocoa, a snowmobile display featuring '90s models, and food for sale by the Weld Winter Wildcats. FMI: (207) 585-2261.
  • February 8 - Holbrook Island Sanctuary, Brooksville
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, and skating (ski or walk-in) along with warm refreshments and a fire. Ski and Snowshoe Trailer will be loaning gear for free on-site use. Meet at the Backshore Trailhead on Indian Bar Road in Brooksville. Free park admission at Holbrook Island Sanctuary all year long. FMI: (207) 326-4012.
  • February 19 & 20 - Range Pond State Park, Poland
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    These are a visitor appreciation days. Come on out for some Winter fun during School Vacation Week! Free baked goods and hot cocoa while they last, a warming fire, a mammal tracks and pelt display, and a program about the park's wildlife at 1:00 p.m. The Maine State Parks Ski & Snowshoe trailer will be loaning ski and snowshoe gear for on-site use. FMI: (207) 998-4104.
  • February 22 - Camden Hills State Park, Camden
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    Activities include guided hikes, a Maine mammal and tracking display, a winter camping display, crafts, nature games, a warming hut and fire with hot cocoa while it lasts, free prizes while they last, and snow sculpture making. The Maine State Parks Ski & Snowshoe trailer will be loaning ski and snowshoe gear for on-site use.
    FMI: (207) 236-0849 
  • February 22 - Reid State Park, Georgetown
    10 AM to 3:00 PM
    Come out to the beach for some winter fun! There will be activities and fun for everyone:
    • 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Meet at the Griffith Head Boardwalk
      • L.L. Bean will be there with Fat Bikes for use on the beach.
      • Self-guided Winter Beach Walk - dogs on leash allowed.
    • 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM - Meet at the Todd's Point Gate - but need to park in designated parking areas.
      • Mammal Tracking & Identifying table
      • Warming fire
      • The Maine State Parks Ski & Snowshoe trailer will be loaning ski and snowshoe gear for on-site use, free with special event park admission:12 & older $1.50. Under 12 & over 65 free. FMI: (207) 371-2303

View the upcoming March events on the Winter Fun Days page.

IFW's Winter Extravaganza at Range Pond State Park on February 15, 6:30 AM to 3:00 PM - Free to Everyone!

IFW Winter Extravaganza photo of ice fishing.

Maine Outdoor Programs invites everyone to experience the beauty and adventure of winter in Maine in a welcoming, inclusive environment. This FREE event is designed for all identities, backgrounds, and experience levels, ensuring that everyone can join in the fun. Whether you’re a seasoned outdoor enthusiast or a first-time adventurer, we offer a variety of activities tailored to different abilities and interests.

Saturday, February 15

6:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Range Pond State Park
26 State Park Road, Poland, ME 04274

Discover the Magic of Winter! Join in the second annual IFW Winter Extravaganza, in partnership with the Bureau of Parks and Lands, and participate in awesome activities including snowshoeing, skiing, snowmobiling, guided walks, fly tying, wildlife identification, and more!. The day is free, but please pre-register so we can plan enough supplies for everyone. Warm clothing such as jackets, boots, socks, hats, and mittens are also available at no charge thanks to Maine Gear Share. Please email us to reserve items prior to the event so we can pack the right sizes.

Schedule of Events:

  • 6:30 AM  - Sunrise ice fishing. Gear, bait, and instruction provided! No fishing license is needed; it is a Free Fishing Day in Maine!
  • 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Stop in at the registration table to pick up a nametag, swag, and enter your name for door prize drawings! We can answer any questions you have and help get you oriented for the day. 
  • 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM - Hong Kong Bubble Waffles, Coffee and Specialty Hot Cocoa will be on sale. Ice Fishing Clinic, Lead Tackle Exchange, Wildlife/Fish ID, Tree Scavenger Hunt, and Wild Game Campfire Cooking
  • 10:00 - 11:00 AM - Snowshoe Microspike Hike with Teens to Trails
  • 10:00 AM - Noon - Snow Sculpting 
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - Introduction to Snowmobiling *Snow dependent*
  • 1:00 PM - The Wildlife That Lives Here with Park Manager Chris Main
  • 3:00 - Closing and Door Prize Raffle

Please pre-register so we can plan enough supplies for everyone. Thank you!

Event Partners include: The Bureau of Parks and Lands, DACF; Maine Department of Economic and Community Development Office of Outdoor Recreation, Lucky Cat Coffee. Maine Audubon, Fenton's Bait Shop, Mighty Minnow, MOFGA, Teens to Trails, The Wildlife Society Maine Chapter, Maine Gear Share, Deb Schilling - Independent Donor, and Confluence Collective.

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Ski & Snowshoe Trailer Visits Select Maine State Parks

Maine State Parks Ski & Snowshoe Trailer
Ski & Snowshoe Trailer Schedule

Click on the Maine State Park Ski & Snowshoe Trailer Schedule to download it as a PDF.

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Looking for an Event? Use Our Event Finder!

Event Finder

Click on the image above to go to the online Event Finder.

Whenever you want to find out about the activities and events taking place at Maine State Parks and Historic Sites check our Event Finder. You can sort by site, location, and type of event. Or, just click on the Search Events button to view all the listings. 

Apply Now for the AWW Artist Residency - Deadline is 2/3

Artist Marty Kotter working on her quilt design at the Lock Dam Cabin, and the finished quilt.

2021 Artist in Residence Marty Kotter shown sketching a design while in residence at the Lock Dam Cabin, left, and at right, the finished piece. Her website and all the winning artists' websites are listed on the application page.

AWW Artist Residency logo.

Apply now for the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Artist Residency. New this year, the selected visual artist will receive a $1,000. stipend from the Allagash Wilderness Waterway Foundation.

Read all the details to find out what the selected artist will receive, what is required of the artist, a sample application, and how to apply.

The deadline to apply is Monday, February 3, 2025.

Good luck!

~ Mark Deroche, Superintendent of the Allagash Wilderness Waterway

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Show Your Love of Maine State Parks, Historic Sites, and Public Lands

Maine State Parks T-shirts and hats.

Gear up with Maine State Parks apparel and consider gifting it to your loved ones this February to show your love for the iconic parks for which Maine is renowned. Hoodies, t-shirts and caps in a variety of colors are available at our online store.

Moosehead Lake West Outlet

Your gift to Maine State Parks and Public Lands will directly support what you love about them, such as advancing recreational and educational opportunities, conservation, land acquisition, and land management purposes. You can choose to give directly to the park of your choice, give a general donation to “All Maine State Parks and Historic Sites” for the most needed projects at State Parks and Historic Sites, or choose the “Any Public Lands” button to go toward the greatest need at any Public Land. Donate now!

Maine State Parks at February 1 Celtics Game at 7:00 PM

Maine Celtics logo.

Show your support for Maine State Parks and the Maine Celtics by attending the games at the Portland Expo listed below. The 50/50 raffle benefits Maine State Parks on the nights we are there.

Stop by the State Park table, hosted by Bradbury Mt. and Wolfe's Neck Woods State Parks, to get information and giveaways, including outreach materials provided by the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District purchased with a grant from the USDA APHIS to conduct outreach and education to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive forest pests throughout Maine.

See you at the game!

State Park table at Maine Celtics Game,

Information and giveaways include mugs and koozies that feature stop the spread of invasive forest pests and forest protection messaging courtesy of the Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District through a grant from the USDA APHIS.


Send article suggestions or newsletter comments to Jocelyn Hubbell, Interpretive Specialist, webmaster, and newsletter editor for the Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands.

Read back issues of the newsletter.