Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI or H5N1) in Dairy Cattle

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Animal Health Program

HPAI Updates for Maine Dairy Producers and
Information on Worker Protection

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) continues to monitor the situation regarding highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) (also called H5N1 or HPAI) in dairy cattle. As of June 25, 2024, 121 dairy herds in 12 states have tested positive for H5N1. Additionally, three dairy workers associated with these herds have developed symptoms and tested positive, and all are recovering after receiving treatment. There are no known infected persons or dairy herds in the northeast U.S. There is no known human-to-human transmission of this type of influenza virus.

The human health risk to the general public from H5N1 is considered low. However, people working with infected cattle or cattle materials are at greater risk of infection. This includes people who work with raw (unpasteurized) milk. To reduce the risk of H5N1 infection, people in direct or close physical contact with sick animals or associated materials should take steps to reduce exposure, if possible, and should wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when they are working in contact with these animals and materials. This includes contact with carcasses, manure, raw milk, and surfaces or contaminated water.

DACF and the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (Maine CDC) are offering information on how to protect yourself against H5N1 infection by using PPE. To request a free, one-time starter set of PPE for you or your farm, please use this order form or see the Maine CDC ordering link on their website. in the “For dairy cattle owners and dairy workers” section. This is intended for anyone who works directly with lactating dairy cattle. 

We urge producers to familiarize themselves with proper and safe PPE usage, including applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations on the use of PPE. Producers should consider incorporating PPE into existing biosecurity plans.

*Maine CDC H5N1 Guidance for Farm Workers English/Spanish (PDF)

*U.S. CDC PPE document, English/Spanish Version (PDF)

*Farm PPE Order Request Form (PDF)

The deadline for PPE requests is July 18 for mailed-in forms, or July 21 for those received through the ordering link. The PPE request forms can be mailed to:

Maine CDC
PPE Farm Request
286 Water Street, 5th Floor
Augusta, ME  04333-0011

For questions about PPE, including ordering, or human-health questions, please contact Maine CDC at disease.reporting@maine.gov.  

For producers who are interested in USDA financial support opportunities, please contact both Maine DACF Animal Health (animalhealth.agr@maine.gov) and Dr. Brad Keough (Bradley.keough@usda.gov) to discuss further. *USDA Support for Producers with Affected Dairy Premises (PDF)