5/31/24 Action Date | Opportunity To Participate in Stakeholder Workgroup to Amend Maine DHHS Youth Camp Rule

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Maine DHHS Seeks Input to Amend Youth Camp Rules

Agritourism operators encouraged to review this update

  • The Opportunity: Review draft rules on the CDC webpage and join an optional CDC stakeholder group. 
  • To participate in the Stakeholder Group: Please Contact Maine CDC By 5/31/2024 By Email at Stakeholders.MECDC@maine.gov
  • Concise Summary: State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services - Maine CDC Health Inspection Program is seeking input from stakeholders to amend its rules governing youth camps in Maine. Stakeholders are asked to review the Department's draft rule posted April 24, 2024, contributing to Department questions within the PDF document "Initial Stakeholder Notice HIP Youth Camp Rule", reviewing and contributing to other stakeholder feedback, as well as attending and participating in a stakeholder meeting in September 2024.