Important Emergency Response Information for Anyone Affected by the Recent Storm

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DACF News Release

We hope this message finds you well despite our current challenging circumstances. We want to ensure you have the necessary information to seek assistance in an emergency.

If you are currently facing an emergency, please do not hesitate to call 911 for immediate assistance.

In the aftermath of the storm, we recommend the following steps to access available resources:

Reach out to Local Private Businesses:

  • Inquire with local private businesses to determine if they have resources available to assist you. Collaborating with local businesses can provide valuable support.

Municipal Emergency Management:

  • If local private businesses cannot fulfill your needs, please get in touch with your area's municipal emergency management office. 

County Emergency Management:

Request Circulation to Other County EMAs:

  • If your county cannot fully address your requirements, your request will be circulated to other County Emergency Management Agencies for consideration and possible assistance.

Maine Emergency Management Agency (MEMA):

  • As a final step, your resource request will be elevated to the Maine Emergency Management Agency if necessary. MEMA will coordinate efforts and leverage additional resources to aid in your recovery.

We encourage you to follow these steps to ensure a coordinated and effective response to your needs.

We are wishing everyone strength and resilience during this difficult time.