Virtual Meet-Up For Women Farmers On Labor Topics - July 17

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Women In Agriculture Learning Network

Virtual Meet-Up For Women Farmers On Labor Topics July 17

Date and Time: July 17, Noon-1 pm EST 

Location: Online via Zoom

Maine Farmer Resource Network invites you to join a virtual meet-up to connect and share challenges, strategies and opportunities with other women-identifying farm owners. The gathering is intended as a way to connect for a quick, casual (bring your lunch!) check-in during the peak season for support, strategy sharing, networking and connection around issues that emerge at this crucial time of the growing season, which could include:

  • How to keep up employee morale;
  • Ways to provide constructive feedback;
  • Perspectives on practical cell phone policies

All women-identifying farmers currently involved with or curious about hiring and managing staff are welcome.

Learn More And Register