Woods Wise Wire - June 6, 2023

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Maine Forest Service

Managing your Woodlot for Wildlife - Smyrna Mills


Thursday, June 15, 2023


5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Spring Break Maple and Honey 3315 U.S. Rte 2, Smyrna Mills


Joe Roy, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife (MDIFW) Private Lands Wildlife Biologist

Lauren Ouellette, Maine Forest Service District Forester


Learn about forest management and techniques that promote the role of dead wood and tree forest native plant species snags, wildlife.  Understand openings, in supporting habitat for woodland inhabitants.

For more information and to let us know you’re coming contact Lauren Ouellette at Lauren.Ouellette@maine.gov or (207) 441-4128

“Chop and Drop” - Fisheries Habitat Enhancement Training - Houlton


June 22, 2023


8:00 AM - 12:30 PM


Inside session: Millar Arena, 4 Randall Ave, Houlton

Field session locations: Jimmy Brook (behind Millar Arena) and Burnt Brow Bridge, at the confluence of Captain Ambrose Bear Stream and Larry Brook, Hammond

Large wood in freshwater streams provides habitat features that are vital to the survival of native brook trout, Atlantic salmon, and other cold water fish species. Adding large wood to stream channels using the "chop and drop" method in conjunction with a timber harvest can create pools, provide cover for juvenile fish and enhance overall stream function.

These trainings are an opportunity for Licensed Foresters and Fisheries Biologists to meet the requirements of Maine Forest Service (MFS) Rule Chapter 25; Standards for Placing Wood Into Stream Channels to Enhance Cold Water Fisheries. This rule seeks to streamline the permitting process for landowners who wish to undertake voluntary wood addition projects in cooperation with state fisheries resource agencies.

Topics will include:

  • Stream Geomorphology - John Field, Fluvial Geomorphologist, Field Geology Services.
  • Forest Stream Ecology and the Biological Effects of Large Wood Additions - Merry Gallagher, Native Fish Conservation Biologist, Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.
  • Standards for Placing Wood Into Stream Channels to Enhance Cold Water Fisheries - Tom Gilbert, Water Resources Specialist, Maine Forest Service.
  • Timber Harvesting Techniques and Forestry Regulation - Lauren Ouellette, District Forester, Maine Forest Service.
  • Funding Opportunities for Chop and Drop Projects - Chris Reidy, The Natural Resources Conservation Service.


There is no fee for this training but preregistration is required



This workshop is approved for the following continuing education credits:

  • SAF - 4 category 1 credits
  • CLP - ½ day recertification
  • QLP - 4 continuing education credits

Please direct any questions to Tom Gilbert at thomas.gilbert@maine.gov or (207) 441-5282.