February 21, 2023
12-1 PM
Virtual via Teams (Information below on how to join)
Join Maine Forest Service and Maine Revenue Services for a presentation and Q&A session covering, Tree Growth Tax Law. After attending the webinar, participants should understand the benefits and obligations of Maine's Tree Growth Tax Law, as well as the penalties for removing land from the program.
This webinar is part of the ‘Lunch With a Forester’ series. Access to a computer or smart device is required to attend. Everyone is welcome.
For questions about the webinar or Tree Growth Tax Law, please contact
How to join this session:
Join the meeting on your computer, mobile app, or room device
Meeting ID: 277 037 780 717 Passcode: ZT6BfR
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 207-209-4724,,637748934# United States, Portland
Phone Conference ID: 637 748 934#