Listening Post Advising Appointments Available
The Maine Agricultural Trades Show Listening Post will offer business advising opportunities for attendees. Dozens of advisors will be available to discuss, network, and problem solve on a variety of topics.
You can reserve your appointment in advance of the show. Some drop-in scheduling will also be available during the show.
The Listening Post Business Advising Room (located in the Franklin Room, first floor near the lobby) will be open daily starting at 9 AM.
- Open the business advising service menu
- Select a service — scroll to view full menu
- Select available dates and times — appointments start January 10, 2023
Add your details — name, phone, email, notes, etc.
- Book your appointment — you will have the choice to reserve other services
- You will receive confirmation and reminder emails about your appointment
- Come to the Franklin room 5 minutes before your appointment. – Look for the Listening Post – Business Advising signs on the first floor of the main lobby.
The Listening Post is a can't-miss place to visit for helpful information during the show. Three great things are happening in this space, located near the lobby on the first floor of the venue.
- Locate important resources. Throughout the space you'll find contact lists and information to help your farm or food business.
- Meet and greets. Occur daily at 9 a.m., 12 p.m./noon, and 2 p.m. You're invited to sit down, enjoy light refreshments, and get to know the people helping support Maine farms, food and agricultural businesses.
- Sign up for Listening Post and other business support tips
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