For Immediate Release - March 29, 2021 Program contact: Gary Fish, (207) 287-7545 Media contact: Jim Britt
Maine Emerald Ash Borer Update: New Detections in Southern Maine
Public Comment Period on Revised Quarantine Rules Closes Fri, Apr 2, at 5 p.m.
AUGUSTA - Ash trees attacked by the invasive forest pest, emerald ash borer (EAB), were recently found for the first time in Oxford County. Personnel from the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry's (DACF) Maine Forest Service noticed woodpeckers feeding on a roadside tree in Porter. After peeling back the tree's bark, they found the characteristic larval feeding galleries of EAB. Although within the current quarantine area, this detection is notable because it is the first in Oxford County.
EAB was also recently found for the first time in the towns of Saco (York Co.) and Westbrook (Cumberland Co.). EAB has become abundant enough in many parts of York County and some parts of Cumberland and Oxford Counties that signs can be clearly visible to the casual observer. Bark flecking or ‘blonding’ from woodpecker feeding is the most common sign of EAB, but vertical cracks in the bark, epicormic growth (abnormal branching or ‘water sprouts’ from the main trunk), and even dieback of upper branches are all being seen in some places.
Southern Maine is at the leading edge of a massive front of EAB spreading from New Hampshire and Massachusetts, and beyond that, including much of eastern North America. This means that EAB is spreading here more quickly than it is in northern Maine, where the infestation was caused by a single point source, which is still relatively small and appears to be spreading at a slower rate.
To help slow the spread of EAB to new areas of Maine, DACF maintains a quarantine on EAB, ash trees, wood from ash trees, and hardwood firewood. Those rules are being revised and are open for public comments. Comments must be submitted by 5 p.m., Friday, April 2, 2021.
Be Part of Maine's Response to EAB:
Courtesy images:
 Ash in Newfield, Maine, with woodpecker feeding and EAB galleries exposed. Courtesy Maine Forest Service
 Map of EAB infestation and regulation in Southern Maine. Courtesy Maine Forest Service.
 Map of EAB infestation and regulation in Northern Maine. Courtesy Maine Forest Service.