Insect & Disease Conditions Update
The Maine Forest Service will conduct two workshops on log-peeling for ash trees involved in Maine’s trap tree network to monitor for emerald ash borer. Some volunteers have already girdled trap trees on their property, and others are interested in being involved in the log-peeling workshops.
The first workshop will be held at the Lebanon Fire Station (15 Upper Cross Road, at the intersection of Upper Cross and Depot Roads) on Wednesday, February 20 from 9-3 (earlier if finished). Snow date will be Thursday, February 21.
The second workshop will be held at Acadia National Park Headquarters off Route 233 (Eagle Hill Road). The address is 20 McFarland Hill Drive, Bar Harbor. Date is Thursday, March 7 (snow day March 8), from about 8:30 am till 3 pm (earlier if finished). Call the office at 288-3338 and press 0 for the operator if you have difficulties finding us. And if you are using GPS, be sure to include the word “Hill” in the address or you will end up very lost. See map below.
Please read the attached information (link is below map) about cutting trees, and contact Colleen Teerling if you have questions or concerns. If you need the Maine Forest Service to cut the tree (for some of you, we have already planned to do this), please contact Colleen Teerling to confirm that MFS will cut your tree. Likewise, please contact us if you can cut your tree but would like us to pick it up because you are unable to come to one of the workshops. If you are located north or east of Orono, please let us know if you wish to bring your bolts to the MFS office at Old Town for us to pick up.
To assist with planning and logistics for each workshop, please notify the Maine Forest Service of your plans to attend by contacting Colleen Teerling, Entomologist, Maine Forest Service, Insect and Disease Lab ,office phone: (207) 287-3096, cell phone: (207) 592-2474, or by email at:
Now that we have found Emerald Ash Borer within our state borders, it becomes even more important to track its movement. You all are a very important part of our EAB management. Thank you are your participation!
 Protocol for Cutting Ash.pdf