Date: October 1st, 2018
Time: 6:30
Location: Lebanon
Elementary School, 65 Upper Guinea Rd, Lebanon, ME
Officials from the DACF Maine Forest Service (MFS) and Division of
Animal and Plant Health, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal
and Plant Health Inspection Service, and USDA Forest Service will hold an
information session in Lebanon, ME on Monday, October 1st, 2018 starting at
6:30 pm, at the Lebanon Elementary School, 65 Upper Guinea Rd, Lebanon, ME.
The purpose of the public meeting is to provide background
information on the insect; an update on the response to the detection of
emerald ash borer; and discuss impacts on movement of wood products. Although
the beetles were found on traps near the western border of York County and the
order expansion only affects four towns, due to the size of the county it is
likely that all of York County will be included in future state and federal
Related Press Release: Emerald ash borer Emergency Order
expands to include York County towns
Name: Allison
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