Contact: Charlene Donahue, Forest Entomologist (207) 287-2431
I had a BROWNTAIL caterpillar
infestation and now I have cocoons!
What to do: Use caution - cocoons are full of the hairs THAT CAN CAUSE A
RASH. Remember that these hairs will persist until next year or longer.
you want to remove the cocoons (different from the overwintering webs):
- Wear
protective clothing
- Wet
down cocoons before removing them
wash or scrape cocoons off structures or clip out of favorite plants:
- Put
a drop cloth under area to collect them
- Let soak overnight in soapy water and compost
or dispose in trash
caterpillars wander and form their cocoons anywhere in the area. Favorite
places are:
- Under
the eaves on a building, on the underside of anything
- In the leaves of any plant
Larvae forming cocoons under eaves
Close up of two cocoons inside webbing – they look similar to spider egg sacs
Browntail cocoon inside leaves
A leaf removed to show the inside of a browntail cocoon – one or many pupae can be inside