For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
"Shout Out to Veterans": video from Greenbelt American Legion Auxiliary Unit 136
Veterans Launching Ventures - Free Online Class to Start or Grow Your Own Business
The Healing Farm - Equines for the Military Therapeutic Recreation
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Easterseals Upcoming Events
Smiles for America: Dental Care for Heroes
Project Opportunity has scheduled fall classes for Veteran Entrepreneurs:
Eastern Shore Orientation Class is scheduled for August 18, 2021: Flier
Baltimore City Orientation Class scheduled for August 19, 2021: Flier
Southern Maryland Orientation Class scheduled for August 24, 2021: Flier
Prince George's County Orientation Class scheduled for August 26, 2021: Flier
Entrepreneur training for Spouses of Veterans, Active Duty and Guard/Reserve Personnel - Orientation Class August 30th in Annapolis: Flier
Voices of Vets is returning to in-person events:
Wednesday, September 1 - FREE CONCERT at Elks Camp Barrett in Annapolis
Monday, October 18 - VOICERAISER on Oct. 18th and 21st in Columbia, MD - more information coming soon. R.S.V.P.
Community Calendar
August 14, 2021
Experimental Aircraft Association Open House, Frederick (see flier directly above)
Women United Veterans Committee, Inc. hosts 2021 Men's Seminar: Mental Health, PTS, MST, Location: Bowie to attend in-person or Zoom Meeting Information
August 17, 2021
For Healthcare, Behavioral & Mental Health Providers: 15 Things Veterans Want You to Know
August 18, 2021
Project Opportunity Orientation Day, Salisbury
VA Seminar: Learn about paying for college
August 19, 2021
Project Opportunity Orientation Day, Baltimore
August 22, 2021
Introduction to Hero Dogs
August 24, 2021
Project Opportunity Orientation Day, Waldorf
August 26, 2021
Project Opportunity Orientation Day, National Harbor
August 28, 2021
Fleet Reserve Association Open House, Annapolis
DAV Veterans Information & Benefits Clinic, Dundalk
August 30, 2021
Project Opportunity Orientation Day for Spouses, Annapolis
August 29, 2021
Women Veterans United Committee, Inc. hosts: Veteran Baby Shower
September 1, 2021
Voices of Vets Free Summer Concert, Annapolis
September 3, 2021
Military and First Responders Appreciation Day at State Fair - see flier below
 MDVA Secretary Owings on the left greets one of the horses at Wellspring Farm. Dawn Leung, CEO of Wellspring is holding the bridle and Commissioner Joe Smith is to the right.
 Brian and Dawn are driving the cart pulled by Magic, while Secretary Owings and Commissioners enjoy a ride in the cart.
 Another photo from the Charlotte Hall reception for Sharon Murphy. In this photo are: MDVA Secretary George Owings, Judy Young, MDS Director and Leslie Steffey, Assistant Director of Nursing.
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