Governor Larry Hogan visited Maryland National Guard soldiers deployed at the U.S. Capitol, and received a briefing on security operations for the 59th Inaugural Ceremonies by Brigadier General Janeen Birckhead.
General Birckhead was selected to serve as Commander of National Guard Task Force Capitol Grounds, which conducted area security operations for the U.S. Capitol, U.S. Supreme Court, and the Library of Congress buildings in support of U.S. Capitol Police.
Photo Credit: Executive Office of the Governor
 Members of the Maryland National Guard are also helping with the COVID-19 vaccination efforts in Maryland.
Photo credit: Executive Office of the Governor
 The Military Family Relief Fund and the Members of the 175th Infantry Association donated items to the Maryland National Guard Members serving in Washington, DC. Items donated included hand warmers, hats, gloves, socks and toiletries.
2021 Session of the Maryland General Assembly has Convened
The Maryland General Assembly is currently meeting in Annapolis for the 2021 Legislative Session. As a service to the veteran community, information on proposed legislation of possible interest to veterans is provided below:
2021 Legislative Information
You may check the status of proposed legislation by visiting the:
Maryland General Assembly Website
From the Maryland Department of Commerce:
Maryland's Federal Agencies & Military Installations at the Heart of Covid-19 Research
As the world combats COVID-19, researchers and scientists have been working tirelessly to understand the virus and its implications on health, the economy, and everything in between. In addition to universities and private companies, there’s a critical force behind so much COVID-19 research: federal agencies and military installations. And with 75 federal research labs, 60 federal facilities, and 20 military facilities, Maryland is at the heart of research that will help the world overcome COVID-19. Here are just a few ways Maryland’s federal agencies and military installations are helping us conquer COVID-19.
The FDA is the last stop for vaccines
Over the past nine months, various companies, including several in Maryland, have been racing to produce a COVID-19 vaccine. The world enthusiastically accepted the news that companies produced effective vaccines at record speeds. All eyes are on Maryland-headquartered FDA now as vaccines are being approved. In addition to the important job of reviewing and approving a vaccine, the FDA has responded to COVID-19 in several other ways, including: making it easier to mobilize 3D printing for PPE production and accelerating COVID-19 treatments.
NASA is researching environmental, economic and societal impacts of the pandemic
NASA is funding and conducting research in its Earth Science Division to study the environmental, economic and societal impacts of COVID-19. Currently 17 studies are underway, five of which are led by Maryland investigators. Studies of nighttime light data to assess the social and economic impacts of the pandemic, and visualization and analysis of the pandemic’s effects on the interconnected components of the agricultural sector are among the NASA research taking place here in Maryland.
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Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Youth, Veteran, and Military Waterfowl Hunting Day Feb. 6
Special Day to Share Maryland’s Time-Honored Traditions
Hunters 16 years of age or younger, military veterans of any age, and members of the Armed Forces on active duty, including members of the National Guard and Reserves on active duty (other than for training) may hunt ducks, geese, and coots on public and private land during the special hunt day. Read more.