MDVA Bel Air Service & Benefits Office Relocates
On Wednesday, October 15, 2020 the MDVA Service & Benefits Office opened to the public in a new location. This is the third MDVA office that has moved to a Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration building to improve accessibility and parking for visitors.
The office is located at: 501 W. Macphail Road, Bel Air, Md. 21014
Phone: 410-638-6507 Fax: 410-638-6549
*Please call to schedule an appointment.
 Moving Day for the MDVA Bel Air office: Taryn Hope, Office Secretary II and Michael Cantrell, Veterans Benefits Specialist II ready the new Bel Air office for visitors. Please call the Bel Air office staff on 410-638-638-6507 to discuss your claim or schedule an in-person appointment.
 Taryn and Mike at the new location for the MDVA Bel Air office, inside the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration Building.
Spotlight on the Maryland Veterans Commission
Commissioner Cynthia Izuno Macri, who serves on the Maryland Veterans Commission will be a guest speaker tomorrow as a contributor to the Friends of the National World War II Memorial Monthly Virtual Education Series. You may read more about Dr. Macri and register for the free program at the link below:
Link to Program
 At the recent meeting of the Maryland Veterans Commission, MDVA Secretary Owings presented the Governor's Proclamation which declared September 25, 2020 as Disabled Veterans Day in Maryland, to DAV Department Commander Charles Clark.
Shown in this photo left to right: Bill Fisher, DAV Department Adjutant, Lamarr Couser, DAV National Service Officer Supervisor, Commander Charles Clark, DAV Department of Maryland, Secretary Owings, Chairman KT Tyler, Maryland Veterans Commission, Commissioner Elton Stokes, DAV representative on the Maryland Veterans Commission, MDVA Deputy Secretary Robert Finn and seated to the far right is Vice Chairman Leroy Thornton, Maryland Veterans Commission