#MasksOnMaryland Challenge
We're joining @GovLarryHogan and @MDHealthDept in the #MasksOnMaryland challenge. If we all do our part, we can help protect ourselves, loved ones, co-workers and communities from #COVID19. Take the challenge and share your reasons for wearing a mask.
Governor Larry Hogan announced the launch of the #MasksOnMaryland Challenge in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH). To support Maryland’s ongoing health and economic recovery, Governor Hogan is challenging all citizens, communities, local organizations, and businesses to participate by posting a picture or video of themselves wearing a mask to social media with the hashtag #MasksOnMaryland.
“Wearing a mask is the best way to keep ourselves and our families safe, and to keep Maryland open for business,” said Governor Hogan. “I wear my mask for my three daughters and four grandchildren. We are all in this together, and I invite Marylanders to join me in sharing their reasons for wearing a mask.”
Dozens of Hogan administration officials—including cabinet secretaries, deputy secretaries, and executive directors—have accepted the challenge and shared their photos for a new kickoff video.
“We know that wearing a mask in public spaces is a simple but effective way to help slow the spread of COVID-19,” said MDH Secretary Robert R. Neall. “Combined with maintaining social distance, washing your hands, and participating in testing and contact tracing, you can help keep your community safe.”
The #MasksOnMaryland Challenge is the latest expansion of the #MasksOnMaryland campaign, which began in June and now includes radio, digital, TV, and social media content, in addition to ongoing free mask distribution events across the state. The campaign is intended to reach all Marylanders, with a particular focus on people aged 18 to 34 and those who have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, including Maryland’s Hispanic and African American communities. Learn more about the campaign here.
To date, Maryland has confirmed 129,425 cases of COVID-19 and has conducted more than 2.8 million COVID-19 tests.
To learn more about COVID-19 in Maryland, visit coronavirus.maryland.gov.
More Information
#MasksOnMaryland video
Mark Your Calendar
In this new environment of social distancing, everyone is adapting. Today's seminars are webinars, Zoom meetings, Facebook Live events, Google Meets, and more. If you have a smart phone or a computer, you have what you need to tap into these valuable training and information sessions. Capacity can fill quickly, so sign up early when required to do so.
The Maryland Department of Health Urges You to Fight the Flu
Influenza, or "flu," is an infection of the nose, throat and lungs caused by the influenza virus. Flu is highly contagious and is spread from person to person through the air by coughing or sneezing. It is also spread by direct contact with infected people.
There are two major types of influenza viruses:
- Type A, which generally causes more severe symptoms
- Type B, which causes symptoms similar to Type A, but usually less severe
More Info
Governor's Commission on Suicide Prevention
If you're interested in applying for an open seat on the Commission, the link to do so is below. We have an opening on the Commission for a young adult (someone who is between the ages of 18 and 25) and a former or current member of the armed forces. The Commission typically meets bimonthly (6 times a year), though we are having one extra meeting this year. Commissioners are required to attend at least 50% of the meetings (which are currently being held virtually). If you'd like more information about the Commission, it can be found here: https://health.maryland.gov/suicideprevention/Pages/Governor's-Commission-on-Suicide-Prevention.aspx. All applicants will need to undergo a vetting process before being considered for appointment. If you have any questions, please contact the Commission Chair, Janel Cubbage, at janel.cubbage@maryland.gov.
Application Instructions
Fall Foliage Report in Full Swing
Find out where the leaves are changing in Maryland with the department's weekly Fall Foliage Report. Rangers and foresters across Maryland contribute detailed descriptions and spectacular photos of changing colors across the state for each week's report. Subscribe to the report and plan your autumn hikes, rides, and picnics.
State Parks Hit New Attendance Record
Governor Larry Hogan announced this week that the Maryland Park Service is reporting a total of 17.1 million visitors to date in 2020, already surpassing the previous record of 14.9 million total visitors in 2019, with three months still remaining in the year. During peak season in July, state parks attracted 3.4 million visitors, compared to 2.5 million during the same time period last year. Read more about this record.