News and Announcements - August 2, 2019
Charlotte Hall Receives Large Donation from Faces of Valor
Faces of Valor recently made a donation of over $28,000 to Charlotte Hall Veterans Home. This very generous donation will be used to purchase new dining room furniture for one of the residence wings at Charlotte Hall.
Thank you to all those at Faces of Valor who support the residents of Charlotte Hall Veterans Home.
 At the Maryland Veterans Commission meeting held in July, members of the Grand Chapter of Maryland, Order of the Eastern Star presented donations to the Maryland Veterans Trust Fund, Charlotte Hall Veterans Home and the Maryland Veterans Service Animal Program. Shown from left to right are: Mrs. Linda Sanner, Phillip Munley, Director of the MDVA Service & Benefits Program, who accepted the donations, Karen Calvert, who serves on the Maryland Veterans Commission, and is immediate Past Grand Matron of the Grand Chapter of Maryland, Order of the Eastern Star, and Major William Sanner, USA (Ret).
 Secretary Owings met this week with individuals interested in starting a Women Veterans Business Alliance. Shown in this photo, from left to right are: Lynetta McCoy, USAF (Ret), Vice President, Trt Logistcs, Angela McCullough, USAF (Ret), President & CEO, Tri-Logistics, Former Maryland State Senator and Former Secretary of the Maryland Department of Aging Gloria Lawlah, MDVA Secretary George Owings, MDVA Intern Ewa Ogundana, Dana Burl, MDVA Director of Outreach & Advocacy and MDVA Deputy Director Robert Finn.
 Daryl Howard, a Chick-fil-A manager in Severn, recently made international news by assisting a World War II Veteran, who had a flat tire. Mr. Lee, a WWII veteran is a regular at the Severn restaurant, and when Daryl greeted him on a recent morning, Mr. Lee said that he might have to walk home. Daryl took a break from work to help and someone snapped a photo of Daryl changing Mr. Lee's tire. Secretary Owings saw the many news stories and invited Daryl to Annapolis to thank him for his kindness to a veteran and present him with the Secretary's Citation for Service. In this photo, from left to right are, MDVA Deputy Secretary Robert Finn, Daryl Howard, Severn Chick-fil-A Manager and MDVA Secretary George Owings.
Daryl recently lost his brother, Daniel Howard and he is honoring Daniel on his T-Shirt.
State Partner News
State Helps 900 Maryland Businesses Compete with Confidence
Governor's Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs Increases Statewide Outreach Impact in 2019
The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs announced it has hosted 20 business development and training events in the first six months of 2019, reaching nearly 900 small, minority, women, and veteran business owners and entrepreneurs.
“This effort is making a big impact on the small business community,” said Jimmy Rhee, special secretary of the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs. “According to post-event surveys, the vast majority of the participants were ‘very satisfied’ with their experience, and they tell us first-hand how these events give them the practical information needed to navigate the procurement processes.”
The Ready, Set, GROW! Procurement Connections Workshop is the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs’ signature outreach event. The workshop is held every two months at locations around the state. Participants meet face-to-face with government buyers at the state and local level, and Governor’s citations are presented to distinguished small business owners from the local community. Eight citations have been presented so far in 2019.
"Attending these outreach events has helped me to grow my business," said Yazdani ‘Dani’ Syed, owner of Digitized Logos, a promotional products provider located in Montgomery County. "We're doing business with several state agencies and even broke into the casino industry because we attended outreach events hosted by the state."
The Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs also hosts the Technical Training Classroomson on the third Tuesday. Each two hour session features a subject-matter-expert from a state agencies or a small business resource organizations. Small business owners teach classes as well. Topics include Negotiation Strategies & Closing Techniques, Proposal Writing Basics, Small Business Emergency Preparedness, and State Procurement 101.
“Maryland is open for business, and we want our small businesses to compete with confidence,” said Secretary Rhee, “Our outreach programs help these firms navigate the state procurement process, while improving overall operational efficiencies.”
All outreach events hosted by the Governor’s Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs are provided at no cost. In the second half of the year, 17 more events will occur in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Harford, Montgomery, Washington, Wicomico, and Worcester counties, as well as Baltimore City.
“We could never do this alone,” stated Secretary Rhee. “We get tremendous support from our sister agencies as well as stakeholders throughout the community. Small business is the backbone of our economy and we’re all invested in their success.”
Visit goMDsmallbiz.maryland.gov to view the full 2019 outreach schedule.
About the Governor's Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs Maryland is OPEN for Business. As a coordinating office for Governor Larry Hogan, the Governor's Office of Small, Minority & Women Business Affairs connects the small business community, including those firms owned by minorities, women, and veterans to greater economic opportunities. Learn more by visiting our website at goMDsmallbiz.maryland.gov and connect with us on Facebook and Twitter.
State of Maryland Launches new eMarland Marketplace. Read More Here
 Comptroller Peter Franchot recently visited Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, and presented Challenge Coins and Citations to the World War II Veterans residing at Charlotte Hall.
Community Partner News
For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
Voices of Vets is going to give a FREE concert for veterans and the community on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Elks Camp Barrett in Annapolis. They have a large outdoor pavilion and plenty of room for parking. This concert will be interactive and feature songs from WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as, many patriotic songs. Flier
Save the Date: September 12, 2019 Veterans Claims Clinic & Resource Fair, Stevensville
September 21, 2019 - Southern Maryland Slam, Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing
Project PLASE (People Lacking Ample Shelter and Employment) offers support services for veterans
Armed Forces and Veterans Spiritual Help - contact Herb Curriden, Military Ministry, herb@cbcdundalk.org or 410-285-4129
Montgomery County Council passes legislation to expand property tax credit for elderly individuals and military retirees. More information
Registration has opened for Syracuse University's Institute for Veterans and Military families Entrepreneurship Conference. More Information
Honor Salute Volunteers Needed
Are you an active or veteran military member? Hospice of the Chesapeake is in immediate need of military personnel to perform Honor Salutes for their veteran patients. Over 150 of these brief yet powerful ceremonies are hostedat the homes and bedsides of dying veterans every year. The goal is to leave a lasting impact on the veteran, their families, and friends.
Since veterans comprise over 25% of Hospice of the Chesapeake’s patient census and that number is expected to rise by the end of this year, volunteers are needed tremendously for this opportunity. You must have an authorized military dress uniform and complete training to serve in this position.
Black Marylanders’ Contribution to Freedom Now On Display at All HCLS Branches through August 18
To further enhance the In Freedom’s Name learning experience, an HCLS Compass Learning Adventure accompanies the systemwide exhibit. The In Freedom’s Name Compass Learning Adventure is a self-guided educational experience for adults that give participants an opportunity to design their own learning experience by deciding which activities they complete, and when! Download and print a HERE, or pick up a paper activity guide at any branch.
In Freeedom’s Name is produced by the Maryland Military Historical Society, and researched and curated by Stevenson University Department of Public History & Humanities.
Community Calendar
August 2, 2019
VA Disability Claims Service, Fleet Reserve Club, Annapolis
August 9, 2019
Southern Maryland Veterans Collaborative, Charlotte Hall
August 11, 2019
Vietnam Veteran Honoring Celebration, Westminster
August 13, 2019
JobZone Job Fair, Lexington Park
August 15, 2019
JobZone Job Fair, Joint Base Andrews
Tech Expo, Polygraph-Only Hiring Event, Linthicum
August 16, 2019
2019 VA Claims Event, Baltimore
August 18, 2019
Military/Veterans Benefits & Services Symposium, Baltimore
August 20, 2019
Ready, Set, Grow Business Development, Westminster
August 24, 2019
Fleet Reserve Club Open House, Annapolis
Veteran Homebuyers Bootcamp, Edgewood
August 29, 2019
Open House for Veterans, Baltimore
August 31, 2019
International Overdose Awareness Day, Ellicott City
Other Photos from Around the State
Mr. Bob Manzo, Commander of the Sons of the American Legion, Detachment of Maryland, visits the Charlotte Hall booth at the American Legion Convention held recently. Also in the photo is Carol Lewis, Director of Marketing for Charlotte Hall Veterans Home. |
MDVA Customer Service Promise & Survey