News and Announcements - July 5, 2019
MDVA Hosts Fellow From Governor's Intern Leadership Program
MDVA is serving as a Host Site this summer for one of the students accepted into the Governor's Intern Leadership Program. This year, MDVA was very pleased to be selected by Ewaoluwa Ogundana for her host site. Ewa attends college at Trinity Washington University, where she majors in Political Science and minors in Communications.
Ewa formerly interned for Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton. Now as a Fellow, she continues to build her skill set. Ewa chose to work with the MDVA Outreach and Advocacy Program, because it would increase her skills in the area of communications and advocacy. She has also learned about services and benefits available to veterans from federal, state, local and non-profit sources.
Her future plans include lobbying and advocacy work in the areas of immigration and education.
It is a pleasure to work with Ewa. She has become a treasured member of our team.
 Ewaoluwa Ogundana in front of the Maryland State House
 MDVA Deputy Secretary Robert Finn and MDVA Secretary George Owings present a Governor's Citation to Mr. Kenneth McKisset, as he retires from MDVA. Mr. McKisset has served as the Superintendent at three of the Maryland Veterans cemeteries during his career: Cheltenham, Crownsville and Garrison Forest assisting Maryland Veterans for 30 dedicated years.
MDVA Cemetery & Memorials Program
Throughout the year, but especially during the warm weather months, MDVA and Charlotte Hall staff attend fairs, festivals and other community events to raise awareness of MDVA and to assist veterans attending those events.
If you are organizing an event and want to request MDVA participation, please complete an Outreach Event Request Form.
 Secretary Owings and a few staff members attended the Maryland Municipal League Conference and provided a resource table. During the Conference, Governor Hogan stopped by and we discovered he could juggle! Shown from left to right: MDVA Secretary George Owings, Lisa Murphy, LSWA, Admissions Director at Charlotte Hall, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Denise Nooe, LCSW, MDVA Deputy Director, Outreach & Advocacy, and Carole Lewis, Director of Marketing at Charlotte Hall.
Photo Credit: Executive Office of the Governor
 Lisa Murphy and Carol Lewis are pinning two veterans in this photo with the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin.
 Mr. AJ Nicolosi, MDVA Secretary George Owings and Mr. Bill Peters at the Conference. Mr. Nicolosi and Mr. Peters are with the Maryland Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Program, and staffed a Resource Table.
State Partner News
Military Personnel and Veteran-owned Small Business Loan Program
The Maryland Department of Commerce administers a unique loan program for businesses owned by military reservists, veterans, National Guard personnel as well as small businesses that employ such persons. The Military Personnel and Veteran-owned Small Business Loan Program provides no interest loans up to $50,000 with a repayment period of one to eight years. Eligible applicants include veteran-owned small businesses, businesses owned by military reservists and National Guard members called to active duty, and small businesses with fewer than 50 employees that employ them. This program has limited funding. New applications will be accepted from July 1 though August 30. Visit the web page below for complete details and apply today.
Military Personnel and Veteran-owned Small Business Loan Program
Maryland Department of Health Offers Online Suicide Prevention Module
Online Suicide Prevention Module Now Available
With funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Maryland Suicide Prevention and Early Intervention Network has diligently been working over the last several months to develop a free online suicide prevention module. MD-SPIN is happy to announce that our online module is now available. The Suicide Prevention Training module provides basic information on suicide including risk factors, protective factors, warning signs, and how to begin a conversation with someone you are concerned about. The module offers a brief opportunity to practice having a conversation with someone who is thinking about suicide and how to develop a safety plan and encourage the person to seek professional help. This course is designed for anyone who may come into contact with someone at risk for suicide and does not require a clinical background. The online suicide prevention module is titled 'Suicide Prevention Training: Recognize, Ask, Care, Encourage' and can be accessed on the Maryland Behavioral Health website.
Spotlight on Education: Anne Arundel Community College
Anne Arundl Community College will be offering a new course in the Fall: Trauma Informed Care for those who work in human services, medical fields, educational settings or the criminal justice field.
Federal Partner News
Please join Congressman Sarbanes’ Veterans Benefits Workshop
Saturday, July 20, 2019
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Lindale Middle School Cafeteria, 415 Andover Road, Linthicum Heights, MD
(use the uppermost parking lot, located to the right of the main entrance)
The VA Baltimore Regional Office will be on site to provide
Personalized assistance with your claims.
At 11:30 AM, learn about the new choices the Appeals Modernization Act
offers you and how it can help you receive a speedy decision.
For more information or to RSVP, please contact Congressman Sarbanes’
Towson Office at (410) 832-8890 or visit sarbanes.house.gov/events.
About Face, Learn about PTSD from Veterans, Clinicians and Family Members
VA MISSION Act: Top Questions Answered
Update your VA Contact Information
VA Secretary moves to permit public display of religious symbols, Stars and Stripes article
Do you know about the National Resource Directory?
Join Team Red, White and Blue
Practicing yoga to stimulate the mind, body, spirit, Health.mil article
 Recently, the VA Vet Centers celebrated 40 years of serving veterans, active duty service members, National Guard & Reserve and family members. In the photo above, are Jonathan Dansicker, a Veteran Outreach Specialist from the Elkton Vet Center and Del Estrella, an MCV Specialist from the Baltimore Vet Center. This event was held at the Annapolis Vet Center, and in the background is the Vet Center Mobile Unit.
Community Partner News
For Your Information
The Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs does not endorse the organizations sponsoring these events, and we do not endorse the views they express or the products/services they offer. The views and opinions expressed in any referenced document do not necessarily state or reflect those of MDVA. The information provided is intended for your general knowledge only, and serves solely as a MDVA community outreach effort.
Community News
Veteran Art Exhibit at Vietnam Veterans Memorial Bridge in Baltimore, southbmore.com article
George Mason University offers Veterans & Service Members Legal Clinic
Save the Date: August 17, 2019 - Substance Misuse Prevention Training, Columbia
Dog Tag Inc. now accepting applications for the Fellowship Program
Travis Manion Foundation 9/11 Run Registration Now Open ,10% Discount off Race Registration. Use code: July42018 through July 7th
Voices of Vets is going to give a FREE concert for veterans and the community on Tuesday, August 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Elks Camp Barrett in Annapolis. They have a large outdoor pavilion and plenty of room for parking. This concert will be interactive and feature songs from WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam, as well as, many patriotic songs.
Project Opportunity has scheduled Late Summer/Fall classes. Enroll now:
Baltimore Free Entrepreneur Training for Veterans, Baltimore City
Eastern Shore Free Entrepreneur Training for Veterans, Salisbury
Prince George's County Free Entrepreneur Training for Veterans, Largo
Southern Maryland Free Entrepreneur Training for Veterans, Hughesville
Community Calendar
July 5, 2019 TODAY
VA Disability Claim Service, Fleet Reserve Association, Annapolis
July 9, 2019
Mid Shore Veteran's Network Meeting, Easton
July 10, 2019
Veterans Resource & Recognition Day, Frederick
Lower Shore Veteran's Network Meeting, Salisbury
July 11, 2019
Veterans Improv Show at Dog Tag Bakery, Washington, DC
July 13, 2019
Veteran Homebuying Seminar, Edgewood
July 16, 2019
Entrepreneurial Development Workshop Series
July 17, 2018
Assisted Living Healthcare Recruitment Job Fair, Columbia
July 18, 2019
Veterans Curation Program, Meet & Greet, Alexandria, VA
July 21, 2019
Introduction to Hero Dogs,You must register for this event.
July 23, 2019
Small Business Contract Cost & Price Analysis, Crownsville
Small Business State Procurement 101, Crownsville
July 27, 2019
2019 Welcome Home Veterans!, Washington DC
 Calvert Hall College High School recently dedicated a Memorial to Members of the Calvert Hall Community, who gave their lives in service for our country.
MDVA Customer Service Promise & Survey