District 7 News, Information & Upcoming Food Distributions

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April Showers

Council Member Streeter in the Community

Vaccine Event

Vaccine event 2

District 7 Vaccine Clinic

Councilman Rodney C. Streeter held a COVID Vaccine Clinic at the Greater Baden Health Clinic on Wednesday, April 28th. In an attempt to encourage the men in our community to get vaccinated, this free clinic was held conveniently in District 7. While the numbers were slight for pre-registration, a number of residents arrived without registrations, both men and women, and were able to get vaccinated.

Our thanks to the Greater Baden Health Clinic for partnering with  Council Member Streeter, and providing ongoing health services to those in District 7 and beyond.


COVID Updates

Six Flags is Offering No-Appointment Vaccinations


The State is now offering drive-thru no-appointment vaccinations at the mass vaccination site at Six Flags in Bowie, Maryland. The vaccinations are available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Sunday. Remember, you can also still pre-register with the State to obtain scheduled appointments at Six Flags. #ProudtobeProtected




Open Registration

Businesses Allowed to Group and

Pre-Register Employees for

COVID-19 Vaccine


Businesses Allowed to Group and Pre-Register Employees for the COVID-19 Vaccine. The State is now making arrangements to streamline access to vaccinations. Businesses are now allowed to group and pre-register employees to allow for continuity of business. 


Businesses can only schedule employees as a group at the State mass vaccinations. Locations include: Six Flags, Baltimore Convention Center, M&T Bank Stadium, Regency Furniture Stadium (Charles County), Wicomico Civic Center, and the Hagerstown Premium Outlets


Please note, this applies to Maryland residents only.Unfortunately, the State has not set up a helpline, but if you have any questions/concerns, please email psector@maryland.gov provide a contact person and telephone number.   


To participate, please complete this form and email it back to erik.lyon@maryland.gov. This form has been developed for the pre-registration of employees to help facilitate the scheduling of vaccinations at state mass vaccination clinics. The form collects the same information as the online pre-registration system and Maryland GoVAX COVID-19 Support Center. 


As a reminder:

·     The form itself cannot be changed and all fields must be completed

·     Please return it to erik.lyon@maryland.gov (password protected or with Virtru)  

·     Any passing of this form should be password protected and/or sent by Virtru once health information is included.  

·     Please use the following naming convention for your submission: Pre-Registration Offline Form_Name of Organization


If you have any further questions, please email PSECTOR@maryland.gov.

Open Registration Spanish

Upcoming Food Distributions

River of Life

State Legislative Accomplishments

From our County Executive's

Community Connections

2021 Legislative Session Accomplishments - County Secures More Than $1.6 Billion in State Aid

Dear Prince Georgians:

Earlier this month, we held a reporter’s roundtable and discussed our accomplishments from the 2021 Legislative session. Overall, we had an extremely successful session in Annapolis, and I’m excited to share those accomplishments with you. I am very proud of the work that Team Prince George’s accomplished over the last several months. Despite the challenges brought on by COVID-19, our House and Senate Delegation delivered on our 2021 Legislative Priorities and I’m confident their hard work will continue to move the County and our State forward.

In total, we brought home over $1.6 billion in aid to the County, an increase of $34.6 million from last fiscal year.

Health Equity

I want to thank the Maryland Citizens Health Initiative for all they did to ensure the passage of the Maryland Health Equity Act. This bill creates and funds Health Equity Resource Communities across the State, which qualify for tax credits, grants, and health care provider loan repayment assistance to incentivize health care providers to set up or extend services in poor and rural communities. As we continue to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, this legislation will be an extremely helpful tool for our communities as we work to address the health care inequities that played a major role in how hard our County was hit by the pandemic.


We’re also happy the General Assembly voted to override the Governor’s veto of the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, also known as the Kirwan Commission bill. This very important law will provide more education funding for students throughout the State, but especially those attending school in Prince George’s County. This 10-year education plan increases the number of pre-kindergarten programs and funding for schools with high concentrations of poverty, which directly impact families in Prince George’s County. Further, it provides increased salaries for teachers, a clearer career trajectory for them and establishes new career pathways for high school students who don’t attend college.

The bill also provides funding for digital devices and behavioral health support, local tutoring and summer school programs. After seeing the devasting effect the COVID-19 pandemic had on school enrollment and learning loss, the revised bill adjusts for the impacts of the pandemic. While we don’t know exactly how the funding shift will impact us, we want to ensure our children have access to a high-quality education, regardless of where they live. We will know the full impact of this bill in the coming months.

Addressing Food Deserts

While we were very successful in many areas, one piece of legislation that did not pass was the bill that would have allowed light beer and wine sales in some of our grocery stores. We know that this legislation would help attract grocers into our food deserts and provide more healthy food options inside the beltway. Currently, more than 50 percent of our food options inside the beltway are fast food. Although we are disappointed that the legislation did not pass, we will continue pushing forward with other incentives for grocers to serve our residents in healthy food priority areas. We look forward to putting together a strategy to go back to Annapolis next year and pursue the light beer and wine sales again.

Police Reform

We supported House Bill 670, sponsored by Speaker of the House Adrienne Jones, that, among other things, repeals the Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights (LEOBR). This legislation also requires police officers to disclose their name, ID number, and reason for a stop when making a traffic stop or any other stop. In addition, the bill establishes scholarships and loan repayment programs for police officers which is important because even as we hold bad officers accountable, we want to do all we can to support the men and women who work tirelessly each day to protect us and do so in the right way.

The legislation also creates a statewide use of force policy for law enforcement and orders certain police departments in Maryland to provide body-worn cameras by 2025. As you know, body cameras were a top priority of mine when I took office, and that’s why I made sure that we provided the funding needed for every officer in our Bureau of Patrol to be outfitted with a camera by the end of last year, a goal that I am proud to say we met. As we move forward, we will continue to equip more officers with body cameras in the coming years as we look at other officers who interact with the community, such as our Wave Teams and our Carjacking Task Force officers.

These changes, along with the 46 reforms we are implementing through our Police Reform Work Group, will help us ensure that our Police Department has access to the resources it needs to keep our community safe, while also remaining transparent and being able to hold officers accountable for misconduct.

Additional Resources

In addition to securing needed resources in our key priority areas, we also secured additional resources in the capital budget, including:

  • $24.1 million toward renovations of Marlboro Hall at Prince George’s Community College.
  • $1.5 million for the Central Avenue Connector Trail project (part of the Blue Line Corridor project).
  • $11.0 million toward a new Amphitheater in Downtown Largo.
  • $9.2 million toward turf fields for Prince George’s County Public Schools.
  • $8.9 million towards infrastructure and road improvements along the Blue Line Corridor, which runs from the D.C. line, down Central Avenue, all the way into Downtown Largo.
    • These funds will allow us to complete road and infrastructure work along this important corridor. In turn, we expect to see more interest in development along the Corridor.
    • In addition to the $8.9 million in the capital budget for road and infrastructure improvements for the Corridor, we also received an additional $8.7 million in a supplemental budget from the Governor, for a total of $17.6 million.

Lastly, we helped secure passage of legislation that will help us preserve affordable housing options even as redevelopment continues across the County. The Affordable Housing PILOT legislation could be particularly useful along the Purple Line where the County will be able to work with non-profits and others to ensure that we maintain affordable housing as development continues in and around the new Purple Line stations.

As you can see, we had a very successful session for Prince George’s County, and we are proud of our Delegation and what we were able to accomplish. I truly believe the best is yet to come for our County, and by working together, we will continue to deliver results for Prince Georgians.

Angela Alsobrooks

Prince George’s County Executive

Your Concerns Have Been Heard

Litter Reduction Efforts

Your concerns were heard loud and clear about the growing litter and illegal dumping issues. That’s why I’m proud to announce that we are placing a renewed focus on beautification efforts. I have appointed Tiaa Rutherford of the Department of the Environment as the County’s Litter Czar to coordinate all litter reduction efforts. I am also creating a Litter Reduction and Illegal Dumping Taskforce to further strengthen litter reduction efforts.

This Taskforce will continue to work with the Environmental Crimes Unit, which includes the Department of the Environment, the Department of Public Works and Transportation, the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement, the Prince George’s County Police Department the County Attorney, and the State’s Attorney’s Office, to expand the illegal dumping camera monitoring program. The Taskforce will also research best practices and benchmarking for litter reduction and dumping mitigation, create a quick reference guide on litter and dumping ordinances, and recognize community members who work to keep the community clean through the Hometown Heroes Campaign. 

Over the long term, the Taskforce will launch a customer dashboard and map showing litter routes and mitigation activities across Prince George’s County. In addition, we will review new and innovative policy initiatives for litter reduction, push forward with data-driven enforcement activities, and continue our award-winning coordinated communications campaign to reduce litter across the community.

This is all in addition to the efforts already underway in the County. Early on in the pandemic, we followed CDC guidance and limited the work of employees who were responsible for litter collection. However, crews have since returned to the roadways, and the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) has collected 1,004 tons of litter and illegal dumping to date in fiscal year 2021. DPW&T also conducted two recent litter blitzes in conjunction with the State Highway Administration, removing 136 tons of litter during those two blitzes.

Many in our community are unaware that all the County’s numbered roads like 214, 202 and Routes 4 and 5 are roadways owned and maintained by the State for things like grass, litter and snow removal, and the others are maintained by the County. As we saw debris gathering, we reached out to the State to ask them to please continue collaborative cleanups with our teams. We are pleased this work has resumed and look forward to continued collaboration.

To continue building on these litter reduction efforts, I’m asking community groups, businesses and other organizations to join our spring Growing Green with Pride Day community cleanup on May 1, 2021. Community groups that sign up will receive bags, gloves, litter pickers and mulch to help clean and beautify neighborhoods across the County. Groups must register no later than Friday, April 23 to receive the free supplies from DPW&T. So far, we have two dozen groups registered, which include 331 adults and 138 student volunteers. Please join us on May 1 by registering online at mypgc.us/GrowingGreen

Our County will continue to devote resources to removing litter from our roadways. At the end of the day, litter is a community issue and we cannot do this work alone. Much of the litter we see on our roadways comes from our residents. I encourage every member of this community to help us keep our County clean and beautiful by disposing of their waste in the proper place, and by joining us for community cleanups like Growing Green with Pride Day. 

Finally, our COVID-19 metrics remain stable. The County’s average daily case rate is hovering over 19 new cases a day per 100,000 residents. In addition, the County’s positivity rate is sitting at 5.2%, and the infection rate is sitting at 1.01. We know from contact tracing data in March that family gatherings have been the largest contributor to the spread of COVID-19 in our community over the past several weeks.

I completely understand the desire to gather with family and loved ones. I want to remind everyone to not let your guard down, as this virus is still present in our community. Please continue to wear masks, stay six feet away from those outside of your immediate household, wash your hands, and avoid crowds. If we continue to work together, we can continue to keep each other safe as we move forward with finally putting this pandemic behind us.

Angela Alsobrooks

Prince George’s County Executive



Last Day of School for Students

This school year, Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) used no inclement weather days and had one two-hour early dismissal day (Monday, February 1). The last day of school for students now will be Tuesday, June 15, with a two-hour early dismissal. Monday, June 14, will also have a two-hour early dismissal.

Último día de clases para los estudiantes

Este año escolar, el sistema de Escuelas Públicas del Condado de Prince George (PGCPS) no utilizó días reservados para el mal tiempo, y hubo un día en el que los estudiantes salieron dos horas temprano (lunes 1 de febrero). Por lo tanto, el último día de clases para los estudiantes será el martes, 15 de junio, y saldrán dos horas temprano. El lunes, 14 de junio, los estudiantes también saldrán de clases dos horas temprano.

Dernier jour de classe pour les élèves

Au cours de cette année scolaire, les Écoles publiques du comté de Prince George (PGCPS) n'ont utilisé aucun jour d'intempéries et ont eu un jour d'ouverture retardée de deux heures (lundi 1er février). Le dernier jour d'école pour les élèves sera désormais le mardi 15 juin, avec une sortie anticipée de deux heures. Le lundi 14 juin, il y aura également une sortie anticipée de deux heures.

Council Connect

To stay connected click link below:


April 29, 2021

Council Member

The Honorable 
Rodney C. Streeter
Prince George's County Council



Patrice Murray
Chief of Staff
Kendal C. Gray
Director of Public Policy
Selena L. Foster
Social Media Specialist
David A. Jacobs
Legislative Assistant
Iretha L. Tate
Office Manager

Physical Address

14741 Governor Oden Bowie Drive
2nd Floor
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772