On Wednesday, September 20, 2023, the Prince George’s County, Department of Public Works & Transportation (DPW&T), Office of Transportation was announced as a recipient of the 2023 Transportation Association of Maryland’s (TAM) Outstanding Leadership, Unsung Hero, and Driver of the Year Awards. DPW&T’s Deputy Director Oluseyi Olugbenle (left) received the Outstanding Leadership Award, Angela Counce (right) received the most prestigious Driver of the Year Award, and Janelle Johnson (rmiddle) received the Unsung Hero Award. Announcements were made during the TAM’s Annual Conference held at the Chesapeake Bay Beach Club & Inn, in Stevensville, Maryland. TAM is an association made up of public, private, and nonprofit organization members with the mission to strengthen community transportation in Maryland through advocacy and professional development. Prince George's County is pleased to be a participating member and eager to continue advancing and promoting our world-class transportation systems. CONGRATULATIONS team!
The Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T) Office of Transportation’s Semia Hackett, Kevin Hernandez, and Kandance Barrigher attended the Transportation Association of Maryland (TAM) Conference in Stevensville, MD the week of September 19-20. Annually, TAM hosts conferences with over 250 participants to learn and network about innovative technology, workforce development, communication strategies, funding, and regulations. In addition, the conference features a showcase of the latest technology, vehicles and equipment available in the transit industry. Semia had the opportunity to share her experience and learning points gained during the APTA Study Mission to New Zealand and Australia with participants.
 DPW&T's Bicycle and Pedestrian Program team joined the Department’s Ride Smart and Call-A-Bus teams for the County’s Annual Senior Picnic & Fitness Day at Six Flags America on Friday, September 22, 2023, from 8 AM to 2 PM. Our DPW&T teams provided bicycle and pedestrian resources, safety information, transit resources and giveaways and TheBus provided transportation for the seniors to the site from the parking lot. The event was a great success with 2,500 seniors! This event was hosted by the Prince George’s County Department of Family Services (DFS) and M-NCPPC Parks & Recreation, Prince George’s County.
 The 12th Annual Ride for Natasha was on Saturday, September 16, 2023. Over 125 cyclists from across the region participated in the 46-mile annual bike ride that honored the memory of Natasha Pettigrew and all Cyclists Gone to Soon and the ride brought greater awareness to the importance of sharing the road and bicycle safety. DPW&T’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program and Traffic Safety Division, Vision Zero Prince George’s, Maryland Highway Safety Office and WABA supported and participated in the event by providing bicycle safety, Be Seen, Be Alert and Be Safe and Vision Zero Prince George’s information and giveaways to cyclists.
Major Roadway Improvements
 DPW&T installed sidewalks and made other improvements along Old Crain Highway between Church Street and Maryland Route 4 in the Town of Upper Marlboro. This project was coordinated with the Town to make a safe pedestrian connection from the Downtown area to the Upper Marlboro Town Hall, Community Playground, Athletic Fields, and Board of Education.
Improvements Made:
- 5-ft sidewalks on the south side of Old Crain Highway between Church Street and Maryland Route 4
- Crosswalk at the Old Crain Hwy & Maryland Route 4 intersection
- Drainage & storm drain upgrades
- Replacing wooden guardrails with metal ones
- Curb & gutter installation on the north side of Old Crain Highway between Church Street and Maryland Route 4
- Resurfacing completed of Old Crain Highway between Main Street and past Maryland Route 4
 DPW&T’s Office of Engineering and Project Management (OEPM) teams also completed a pedestrian safety improvement project on Good Luck Road at the Diyanet Center of America in Lanham. The Diyanet Centre of America’s vision is to create a highly esteemed organization that leads in advocating for the religious, moral, and spiritual values of the Muslim society in America, and to make a contribution to peace and tranquility for all mankind, and to be a prestigious mediator on Islamic issues. As such, large volumes of people congregate here, especially Friday afternoons, and most must cross Good Luck Road. This project reduced Good Luck Road to one lane in each direction, constructed a pedestrian refuge island, installed Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFB), resurfaced, and laid new striping. The RRFBs bring more visibility to the pedestrians. These improvements and the construction of them were closely coordinated with the Diyanet Center.
Sandbag Program
To prevent flooding in low-lying areas during the rainy season, the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T), The Office of Homeland Security, and the Office of Emergency Management launched the Sandbag Program. This program aimed to provide citizens and municipalities in both incorporated and unincorporated areas with sandbags to protect their homes from potential floods. The Sandbag Program offered residents both short-term and long-term protection. Under the Sandbag Program, residents had the opportunity to receive sandbags at no cost on a one-time basis. Those residing in incorporated areas were encouraged to contact their local Municipality to get information about their sandbag pickup date, time, and locations. Residents in unincorporated areas were able to collect sandbags from designated distribution locations that began in June and OSDM hosted another distribution on September 22, 2023. Thus far, OSDM has distributed 15,000 sandbags.
 The Office of Storm Drain Maintenance (OSDM) completed the Storm Drain Structure Condition Assessment to better program the operations and maintenance efforts, prior to the fall season. The structure condition assessment aims to identify maintenance requirements associated with the structure stability, safety, and debris blockage. Over 1,500 inlets were identified as 76% or more blocked during this assessment.
OSDM has unclogged over 1,200 inlet structures throughout the County. OSDM will continue its efforts in FY24 to ensure the inlets and storm drainpipe network are fully functional and improve storm water conveyance. In FY 24, OSDM will focus on cleaning the inlet structures identified as 50% -76% blocked.
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 is Walk Maryland Day! It is the day that Marylanders celebrate “Walking” by setting aside time to go for a WALK. To support Walk Maryland Day and promote Walking, the Department of Public Works & Transportation has partnered with the Prince George’s County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and M-NCPPC Department of Parks & Recreation, Prince George’s County to co-host a “Walk Maryland Day Multigenerational Walk at Historic Ridgeley Rosenwald School” at 12 Noon on October 4th. This free, family-friendly walking event is open to the public and will take place at Ridgeley Rosenwald School, 8507 Central Avenue in Capitol Heights, MD 20743. Registration is required.
Go to https://mdot.maryland.gov/tso/pages/Index.aspx?PageId=79 & Register as a “Sole Mate” to join the Walking Group named Walk Maryland Day Multigenerational Walk at Historic Ridgeley Rosenwald School.
 October is National Pedestrian Safety Month! Pedestrians are encouraged to Be Seen, Be Alert and Be Safe while walking and rolling! It is also known as WALKTOBER. It is the month when Partners from across the State of Maryland host walking events and programs to promote Maryland’s official exercise, “WALKING”. WALKTOBER includes a series of informative webinars also known as “Walkinars” made available by the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT). The “Walkinars” provide the greater community with information and innovative approaches for promoting safe walkability options. The 2023 “Walkinar” series includes four free 90-minute webinars, beginning at 10:30 a.m. (EST) each Thursday morning during
DPIE, DoE and DPW&T invite you to join us as we share information about programs, services and new initiatives! DPIE will be the host agency for the Fall 2023 Community Partners’ Meeting - to attend the meeting, click the link on the attachment, the flyer below, or the link below to fill out the sign-up sheet: http://rb.gy/ka9c9. You will receive an email with the link to attend the 2023 Fall Community Partners’ Meeting. For questions, email DPIEPIO@co.pg.md.us.
Join Us October 21, 2023, 8am to noon, for the Fall 2023 Growing Green with Pride Clean-up event! Help us combat the litter problem in Prince George's County by joining your community in this event! Every small step counts when it comes to creating a more sustainable world.
Don't forget to invite your friends, family, and neighbors. Let's come together, roll up our sleeves, and create a cleaner, greener future. Register at https://www.princegeorgescountymd.gov/2590/Growing-Green-With-Pride. Registration closes Friday, October 13, 2023, so don’t delay, sign up today!
DPW&T is hiring for snow and ice control seasonal positions! All interested applicants should send their resumes to HRDPWT@co.pg.md.us.
Happy Indigenous People Day
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month
Don’t forget to Fall Back! November 5th is daylight savings time. Get ready to set your clocks back an hour.
Take the Vision Zero Prince George's Safety Pledge
Prince George's County Department of Public Works and Transportation
9400 Peppercorn Place, Suite 300
Largo, Maryland 20774
(301) 883-5600
For updates and important information follow us on social media! |