For immediate release: April 19, 2023
For more information, contact: Judith Hall, Public Information Specialist Prince George’s County Department of the Environment; (202) 369-7319 (cell)
Tinker Creek Stream Restoration Project Recognized at BUBBA Awards The large-scale restoration project is one of the largest in Maryland
LARGO, MD – The Department of Environment (DoE) Stormwater Management Division’s (SMD) Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project was recently recognized as a second-place finalist for the Chesapeake Stormwater Network’s (CSN) Best Urban BMP in the Bay Award contest (BUBBAs), in the Best Stream Restoration category. This prestigious honor recognizes the best three urban stormwater practices and programs in a category while highlighting local innovators who use creative approaches to protect and restore local watersheds.
“We are thrilled to be recognized by our peers for the Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration project. This successful project has helped to stabilize erosion in this area and improve water quality in the local watersheds and the Chesapeake Bay,” said Andrea Crooms, Director of DoE.
CSN recognized the project’s innovative approach to watershed-scale restoration in a highly urbanized and impervious setting. Its diverse design approach considered varied flow regimes and required careful coordination for successful project implementation.
The SMD Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project partnered with the Maryland‐National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) to implement a comprehensive project on private and public land, as well as GreenVest, LLC and Petro Design Build Group under the GV-Petro Joint Venture. The joint venture was formed to leverage each company’s unique skillset and provide greater opportunities for Prince George’s County-based and County located businesses to participate in the restoration project.
Construction of the Tinkers Creek Stream Restoration Project began in November 2019 and was completed in September 2021. Tinkers Creek is located on a five-mile stretch of the stream valley, from Old Branch Avenue to Temple Hill Roads, in Clinton and Temple Hills, Maryland. It is one of the most comprehensive stream projects in Prince George’s County and one of the largest in Maryland, at over 40,000 feet.
The project helps DoE comply with its total maximum daily load (TMDL) and Impervious Acres Treated requirements as part of its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer (MS4) Permit obligations. Tinkers Creek has entered its five‐year monitoring period, which will ensure the stream restoration is stable and functioning as designed.
For more information about the BUBBA Awards, visit
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