Happy 2023!
My team and I hope your holidays were happy, and we are looking forward to working closely with you again this year. We have shared some of our 2022 accomplishments below and, in coming editions, we will spotlight new initiatives, such as upgrades to our Momentum online system for permit applications. Be sure to access information about improvements to our programs and services on our website at dpie.mypgc.us, and in our monthly public information forums. Join us on Thursday, January 19, for our monthly virtual Third-Thursday Community Information Session on “Accessing Information from DPIE.” On January 26, join us for our "Introduction to the Business Development Section" webinar.
We hope to see you on one of these virtual meetings!

Join us for the next DPIE virtual Third-Thursday Community Information Session from 11 a.m. – 12 noon on Thursday, January 19, 2023. DPIE holds the virtual seminars on the third Thursday of each month to provide you with details about agency programs and services and to give you the opportunity to interact with DPIE staff. Register at https://bit.ly/3RztGlc. Contact dpiepio@co.pg.md.us for more information or to submit questions in advance.
Permitting and Licensing Division • Issued permits for several high-priority projects, including the Amazon/Pro Logis Warehouse at 3700 Forestville Road in Forestville; the Balk Hill Ventures shopping center in Bowie; the ELP Mattawoman Brandywine commercial/warehouse project in Brandywine; Encompass Health Hospital in Bowie; the Hampton Park Redevelopment in Capitol Heights; and the WMATA headquarters at the New Carrollton Metro, in New Carrollton • Opened the Virtual Permit Center five days a week for residential customers • Initiated a quarterly Customer Feedback Forum for customers to resolve their complaints and/or get assistance with questions about the permitting process
Building Plan Review Division • Reduced plan review backlog from peak 2,800 cases in March 2022 to fewer than 700 cases in December 2022 • Published new guidelines and updated existing documents to help customers understand process and submission requirements including ePlan workflow, AE seals, minimum submission guidelines and FAQs • Processed 56 code variances and conducted 18 Preliminary Design Review Meetings (PDRM)
Site/Road Plan Review Division • Update: A New Home Drainage Complaints process was developed and implemented in 2020. Since its inception, 110 complaints have been evaluated: 61 drainage complaint permits were issued in response to complaints and 34 drainage complaints were referred to other agencies to address, etc. • Worked with developer to complete construction of certain Brandywine Road Club improvements • C Factor Techno-gram issued March 2022 to enhance the capacity of storm drain collection systems to improve drainage outcomes
Enforcement Division • Expanded the “Clean Lot” program to conduct more property cleans • Collected almost $1 million in fines and fees related to citations and “Clean Lot” enforcement • Worked with the County Police Department’s Aviation Unit to locate properties from helicopters that are difficult for inspectors to view from the ground
Inspections Division • Assisted Amazon in the construction of several facilities in the County by helping the company locate suitable properties, expediting permits and inspections, etc. • Enhanced the virtual inspection program to ensure timely inspections and promote development and code compliance • Implemented a new Third-Party Inspection Program (TPIP) for residential construction and townhome developments
Boards and Commissions •The Nuisance Abatement Board (NAB), working with the Enforcement Zoning Division and the Joint Agency Group (JAG), significantly increased the number of cases it heard, leading to fewer citizen complaints and increased revenue from fees. • Prevailed in all appeals challenging NAB decisions • Proposed legislation to the County Council (CB-009-2022) that was enacted to increase NAB-issued fines
Business Development Section • Established in-person community outreach effort by attending business expos and conferences to educate the business community on how to navigate the permit process • Assisted Captain White Seafood, Oxon Hill, in getting their permits issued; conducted site visit to better understand their business plan and provide suggestions on navigating the permitting process • Assisted Milk and Honey, Suitland, through DPIE Connect resulting in a DPIEBIZ consultation, site survey, and permit issuance; currently conducting business in the County
Communications/Public Information/PR • Orchestrated monthly virtual Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions to highlight agency services and allow residential and business customers to interface with staff. • Improved outreach to Spanish-speaking customers by training staff to access language translation services, creating a Spanish web page and holding a “Community Partners’ Meeting” in Spanish. • Increased production of newsletters, PowerPoint presentations, YouTube videos, bulletins and flyers on DPIE services for customers
Performance Management •Developed permitting guidelines to promote the use of renewable energy sources, including electric vehicles and solar Issued guidelines for permitting electric vehicle charging stations • Expanded guidelines for permitting electric vehicle charging stations, including residential curbside electric vehicle charging stations • Issued guidelines for permitting rooftop photovoltaic (PV) solar array systems on commercial and multi-family residential properties
QA/QC • Provided guidance and technical support in the development of the Momentum Building Plan Review and Site/Road Plan Review divisions’ applications • Provided monthly ePlan trainings on ProjectDox to the public, the engineering community and agency staff • Maintained performance statistics for Permit Center staff to improve efficiency
"Introduction to the Business Development Section" Webinar
Register to Attend! Join us for a free webinar for a virtual introduction and discussion. Come learn about our mission, hints when applying for permits, DPIE programs, changes to DPIE processes, and a general overview of the permitting process. To sign up for this free webinar, register at https://event.webinarjam.com/register/109/oyko6i9y.
Thursday, January 26, 2023 12 Noon
For more information, email DPIEBizDev@co.pg.md.us or visit the Business Development Section web page at dpie.mypgc.us.
Effective Tuesday, December 27, 2022, food trucks, or mobile food vending businesses, will no longer be restricted to operating in food truck hubs in Prince George’s County. In lieu of the hubs, food trucks may operate in certain areas where they have been granted permission from a person authorized to enter into an agreement with the food truck operator or company. Allowable sites include certain office and business parks; industrial areas; commercial areas and shopping centers; faith-based organizations; membership pools and non-profit organizations; and more. Food trucks may not operate on public roadways or in unapproved locations.
DPIE no longer will issue food truck hub licenses, however the County Department of Health still requires licensure. For questions regarding FOOD SERVICE applications, including food trucks, contact 301-883-7690 or FoodProtectionProgram@co.pg.md.us.
See the legislation that eliminated the food truck hubs, CB-053-2022, on the County Legislative/Zoning Information System (LZIS) website.
The Restaurant Temporary Outdoor Seating Area (RTOSA) authorization issued in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been extended through April 1, 2024. The authorization was granted by the County Council in 2020 as part of a reopening effort to allow qualifying restaurants to offer service to customers while abiding by social distancing mandates. The Council extended the authorization with passage of CB-068-2022, which became effective December 12, 2022. Holders of outdoor seating permits issued under the legislation need to take no action to renew their RTOSA permits and will suffer no penalty if their restaurants are otherwise in compliance. Applicants for new RTOSA permits need to follow the application process. Visit the Temporary Restaurant Outdoor Seating page on the DPIE website for information. View the text related to the extension on pages 43-45 of the legislation. Attachments: 1. B2022068.
 To view details of the legislation that relates to DPIE — or other matters — see the full text of actions by the County Council at the Legislative/Zoning Information System (LZIS). Enter the bill #, resolution # or subject matter into the search bar on the left, following the format example: CB-007-2020, select the year, then select the agenda item type (Council Bill or Resolution). Scroll down to "Attachments," and view the first attachment.
  The following bills related to DPIE were passed by the County Council in 2022:
• CB-015-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRIC CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE for the purpose of requiring electric vehicle charging infrastructure for charging electric vehicles in certain new residential structures. Attachments: 1. B2022015.
• CB-034-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING, INSPECTIONS, AND ENFORCEMENT TABLE OF FEES for the purpose of amending provisions of the County Code to consolidate all Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement fees into one comprehensive Table of Fees. Attachments: 1. B2022034.
• CB-035-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING SHORT-TERM RENTAL, SINGLE-FAMILY RENTAL AND MULTI-FAMILY RENTAL LICENSE FEES for the purpose of enacting new fees for second reviews and re-inspections of Short-Term Rental Licenses, Single-Family and Multi-family Rental Licenses, and expired Multi-family Rental Licenses. Specifically, this Bill creates new fees for the following licensing activity: (1) $100.00 fee for reinspection of Short-Term and Single-Family Rental License applications; (2) $100.00 fee for the second review of the Short-Term Rental License, Single-Family, and Multi-family Rental License application; etc. Attachments: 1. B2022035.
• CB-036-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL LATE FEE for the purpose of adopting a new late fee of $100 to renew an expired business license. Attachments: 1. B2022036.
• CB-053-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING FOOD TRUCK LOCATIONS for the purpose of eliminating Food Truck Hubs and authorizing Food Truck vending in certain locations in Prince George’s County. Attachments: 1. B2022053.
• CB-059-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRIC CHARGING STATIONS for the purpose of requiring the Department of Permitting, Inspections, and Enforcement (DPIE) to implement a review process for permits to install electric vehicle charging stations at single family and multi-family homes. Attachments: 1. B2022059.
• CB-067-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING STATIONS for the purpose of providing the intent for regulating the safety and security of persons using electric vehicle charging stations; providing for definitions; providing for lighting; providing for solar panels; providing for security by an emergency callbox; providing for security through security cameras; providing for additional types of safety and security; providing for posting and signage; providing for shelter; providing for aesthetics; providing for vandalism; providing for a lock box; providing for the enforcement of this Act. Attachments: 1. B2022067.
• CB-069-2022 – AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING M-X-T ZONE TRANSITION for the purpose of enabling properties that were in the M-X-T Zone prior to the effective date of the new zoning ordinance to elect to conform to the requirement of the C-G-O Zone. Attachments: 1. B2022096.
• CB-072-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING CODE ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES for the purpose of making amendments to certain code enforcement provisions related to violations and increasing fines in the County. Attachments: 1. B2022072.
• CB-076-2022 – AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING GAS STATIONS for the purpose of requiring special exception approval for Gas Stations in certain zones and revising the requirements for approval of a special exception for Gas Stations. Attachments: 1. B2022076.
• CB-079-2022 – AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING IE ZONE TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS for the purpose of modifying the lot coverage and green area requirements for previously I-1 zoned properties and permitting distribution warehouses in the IE Zone. Attachments: 1. B2022079.
• CB-080-2022 – AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ZONING-INTERPRETATIONS AND DEFINITIONS-USE REGULATIONS-CONVENIENCE STORES for the purpose of amending the Zoning Ordinance to clarify the definition of Convenience store uses; to amend the Use Regulations to add a minimum distance requirement between certain Convenience store uses and other specified uses; renumbering Section 27-5102 of the Zoning Ordinance; and generally relating to Convenience store use regulations in furtherance of the general health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Prince George’s County. Attachments: 1. B2022080.
• CB-081-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING THE BUILDING CODE OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the International Building Code and International Residential Code to enhance notification and awareness of violations for prospective property transferees. Attachments: 1. B2022081.
• CB-088-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT REGULATIONS - SECURITY MEASURES AND SECURITY EQUIPMENT for the purpose of providing that the Landlord-Tenant Regulations require that any portion of the common areas in multi-family rental facility shall be kept reasonably safe for tenants; and providing that certain safety and security features provided by the landlord shall be properly installed, properly maintained and fully functional; providing for enforcement of the regulations; and generally relating to security measures and security equipment in the common areas of multifamily rental facility. Attachments: 1. B2022088.
• CB-094-2022 – AN ACT CONCERNING PARKING FINES AND PENALTIES for the purpose prohibiting habitation in vehicles parked in public right-of-way, restricting eligibility for certain residential parking permits and generally relating to residential parking and commercial trucks. Attachments: 1. B2022094.
• CB-103-2022 – AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING TOBACCO SHOPS, ELECTRONIC CIGARETTE SHOPS OR A RETAIL TOBACCO BUSINESS for the purpose of modifying the definition and increasing the Special Exception distance requirements for tobacco shops, electronic cigarette shops or retail tobacco businesses that sell products for offsite use. Attachments: 1. B2022103.
 The following resolutions related to DPIE were passed by the County Council in 2022:
• CR-061-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING, INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT for the purpose of adopting new fees for second reviews and re-inspections of Short-Term Rental Licenses, Single-Family and Multifamily Rental Licenses, and expired Multifamily Rental Licenses. Specifically, this Resolution creates new fees for the following licensing activity: (1) $100.00 fee for re-inspection of Short-Term and Single-Family Rental License applications; (2) $100.00 fee for the second review of the Short-Term Rental License, Single-Family, and Multifamily Rental License applications; and (3) $500.00 fee for the renewal of expired Multifamily Rental Licenses, with such increase to be approved by the County Council after notice and public hearing. Attachments: 1. R2022061.
• CR-062-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL LATE FEE for the purpose of adopting a new late fee of $100 to renew each expired business license. Attachments: 1. R2022062.
• CR-063-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2018 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (MARCH 2022 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan. Attachments: 1. R2022063.
• CR-066-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING EXTENSION OF TEMPORARY RESTAURANT OUTDOOR SEATING AUTHORIZATION for the purpose of extending the temporary suspension of certain restrictions on outdoor seating arising under Subtitle 27 of the Prince George’s County Code, being also the Prince George’s County Zoning Ordinance, and providing for the extension of temporary expedited administrative process to authorize outdoor dining to otherwise lawful eating and drinking establishment uses on adjacent exterior space or shared exterior space, under certain circumstances to further economic recovery. Attachments: 1. R2022066.
• CR-079-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PUBLIC SAFETY AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SURCHARGE for the purpose of adjusting the Public Safety and Behavioral Health Surcharge for Fiscal Year 2023, beginning July 1, 2022, as required by State law. Attachments: 1. R2022079.
• CR-080-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING SCHOOL FACILITIES SURCHARGE for the purpose of adjusting the school facilities surcharge for Fiscal Year 2023, beginning July 1, 2022, as required by State law. Attachments: 1. R2022080.
• CR-097-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2018 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (JUNE 2022 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan. Attachments: 1. R2022097.
• CR-120-2022 – A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ELECTRIC VEHICLE INFRASTRUCTURE AND DEPLOYMENT ADVISORY GROUP for the purpose of establishing an Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and Deployment Advisory Group to study the feasibility of establishing an Electric Vehicle Purchasing Cooperative in the County to assist the private sector in meeting the County’s emission reduction goal of 50% emissions reduction by 2030; if deemed to be feasible, establishing an Electric Vehicle Purchasing Cooperative in the County; and regarding promoting and facilitating the use of Electric Vehicles (EVs) in the County. Attachments: 1. R2022120.
 Back by popular demand!!! DPIE is holding a monthly contest to test your knowledge of Prince George's County Code. The first person to respond with the correct answer will win a prize from DPIE's cache of promotional items, which include a large, insulated grocery totebag, a folding camping stool, or a goody bag full of items. The name of the winner and the winning response will also appear in next month's Under Construction newsletter.*
*County employees and their family members are not eligible to enter in this promotion.
Carefully study QUIZ PHOTO # 1 below and "Name that Violation" by emailing your best guess to DPIEpio@co.pg.md.us.
DPIE Congratulates
Joel Gagliardi
for correctly identifying the violation in photo number 12 (shown at right) in last month's issue of Under Construction.
The answer is shown in the image below. (DPIE added the ordinance from County Code.)
