My staff recently offered a Zoom seminar entitled “Verify Before You Buy” to educate aspiring property owners about researching certain aspects of the property to avoid problems later. We are offering much of the information in this issue. We hope you will review this information early in the buying process and use it as a guide.
Doing research is key to ensuring a successful property buying experience. Reach out to us for assistance with any questions related to these topics.
We are always happy to assist!

Coming June 16: Mastering the Permit Application Process
Are you interested in learning to navigate the DPIE permit application process? Join DPIE Permitting and Licensing Division staff for a seminar scheduled for 11 a.m. – 12 noon, Thursday, June 16, 2022. The seminar is part of DPIE’s Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions series. Each session focuses on a particular topic and includes a presentation, comments by agency experts and a Q&A period. Sessions are announced in the DPIE Under Construction newsletter and on the DPIE website. Participants may register and submit questions in advance to A Zoom link will be provided to those who register.

The following information will help you conduct research on properties you are considering purchasing.
Click on the title slide below to launch the PowerPoint presentation for the "Verify Before You Buy" seminar.

Before you make a purchase, check for any problems you might inherit. Did the previous owner run afoul of County Code by operating an auto repair business in the garage? Are there fines outstanding for unpermitted construction violations? Was there nuisance activity on the property?
Find the answers to these questions and more by filing a Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA) Request Form with DPIE. Your inquiry will be researched and relevant documents will be emailed to you within 30 days. Information is available on the DPIE MPIA webpage.

Check to ensure fines don’t exist on the property for any of the following frequent violations and more by submitting a MPIA form to
1) Operating a business, such as a restaurant or nail salon, out of a residence.
2) Performing automotive work on a driveway or street.
3) Doing unpermitted construction — construction without the appropriate permits and inspections.
4) Accumulating trash and dumping.
5) Parking commercial vehicles over 10,000 pounds in driveways or on residential streets.
6) Parking vehicles on unpaved surfaces.
7) Keeping junk cars, tires, old appliances, building materials, etc., on your property.
8) Failing to properly maintain a property.
9) Allowing grass and weeds to grow taller than 12 inches.
10) Leaving abandoned properties unkempt, unsafe and unsecured.

Determine if the property is located on or near a floodplain:
1) Visit to view the floodplain layer and other drainage information.
2) Submit a Floodplain Information Request Form ($57.75)
• You will receive information such as whether the property is located on an existing mapped floodplain, has a stream that requires a floodplain study, or is not located on a floodplain.
3) DO NOT BUY until you know the floodplain information on the property!
If you buy on a floodplain, it may impact your construction and the requirements for permit issuance.
For more information, contact Floodplain Manager Salman Babar at or 301-636-2063.

Also check for other drainage issues:
• Conduct a site visit.
• Hire an engineer to conduct a drainage evaluation.
• Check drainage concerns (i.e., excessive surface runoff).
• Determine if there are nearby streams that may cause or are causing erosion.
• Ask about high groundwater.
Visit DPIE's Drainage and Flooding web page for more information.

1) Is the property served or to be served by public water and sewer, or by well and septic systems?
2) Verify whether it is feasible to construct a building on the property with public water and sewer OR private well and septic before you buy.
3) Is the property connected, or can it be connected, to the public water and sewer system?
• Before you buy vacant property, verify if existing public water and sewer lines are built in front of the property or within 1,500 feet.
• If they are not built, it will be the buyer's responsibility (as the developer) to construct water and sewer pipes for the property.
4) Determine how the property can be developed using well and septic systems.
View the County’s Water and Sewer Plan for more information.
Contact Water and Sewer Plan Coordinator Shirley Anthony Branch at for assistance.

Each year, unpermitted construction hammers legions of unsuspecting property buyers. Watch out for real estate flippers who purchase properties cheap, make repairs and/or cosmetic changes without the appropriate permits and inspections, then sell them.
Take these steps to ensure construction on the property was permitted and inspected:
• Hire a certified independent inspector to inspect the home and provide a list of substandard construction.
• Visit the DPIE website to check for any permits that have been pulled for work on the property.
• Walk away from a property with unpermitted construction, or make the seller fix the problems and secure the appropriate permits and inspections before you sign on the dotted line.
• Notify DPIE so the seller can be held accountable. Legislation allows authorities to act against flippers. However, the law is more effective PRIOR to the sale.
Protect yourself and take action before you buy!

If you plan to purchase a property to rent, be aware of restrictions on rentals.
• Renting your home requires a license.
• Homeowners whose properties comply with County Code and who meet other criteria may seek a Short-Term Rental License to host guests through companies such as Airbnb. The mandatory license costs $165 and expires one year after issuance.
• To rent your multifamily or single-family property, you must also apply for a rental license. The Single-Family Rental License costs $126.50, and the Multifamily Rental License costs $82.50 per unit. Both expire two years after issuance.
For more information, visit DPIE’s Rental Housing Licenses webpage. Start the licensing process on the Momentum page.

The Public Information Office is your best source for documents and other information.
• Serves as the information liaison between DPIE and Prince George’s County residents, legislators, community leaders, homeowner and civic organizations, business partners, media outlets, etc.
• Facilitates customer service complaint resolution.
• Responds to inquiries under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA).
• Publishes periodic bulletins and a monthly e-newsletter called Under Construction, a summary of agency services, code requirements and other helpful information. Subscribe at Subscribe My PGC.

  DPIE is holding a monthly contest where we share a photo with a property violation. The first person to respond with the correct answer will win one of DPIE's large (13"x10"x15") insulated grocery tote bags with a zipper closure, and your name in next month's Under Construction newsletter!*
*DPIE employees and their family members are not eligible to enter in this promotion.
Carefully study QUIZ PHOTO # 6 below and "Name that Violation" by emailing your answer to
DPIE Congratulates
Venetia Brown
for correctly identifying the violation in photo number 5 (shown at right) in last month's issue of Under Construction.
The answer is shown in the image below.
(DPIE added the ordinance from County Code.)
DPIE welcomes the following new hires and congratulates them on joining the team! The new staffers have shared some information to help us get to know them and their start dates.

Ron Proctor, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 5/23/2022
Ron is a lifelong Prince Georgian. He has more than 30 years of experience working at WSSC and has managed and supported various construction projects. He is excited to work at DPIE!

George Gurara, Site/Road Plan Review Division — Engineer III, 5/9/2022
George a licensed transportation engineer with more than 14 year of experience in design, construction and review of transportation projects. George is a strong believer in the power of positive thinking in the workplace. His goal is to help DPIE achieve its goals and have a positive impact on the development community and the public.
DPIE promoted the following employees in May 2022. We would like to recognize and congratulate them for their hard work and commitment to our agency. Keep up the great work!

Danielle Robinson, Administrative Aide III, 5/22/2022
Danielle started working for DPIE in 2018.

Claudel Passo Nguefack, Engineer III, 5/8/2022
Claudel started working for DPIE in 2018.

DPIE Congratulates Mariwan Abdullah Employee of the Month May 2022
Mariwan is an Engineer IV in the Site/Road Plan Review Division. He is being recognized for his exemplary customer service, positive attitude and exceptional level of expertise. His supervisors point to his commitment, professionalism and strong work ethic as qualities that have benefited external customers, as well as the entire agency. Mariwan's colleagues appreciate his service!

DPIE Congratulates Mohd Al-Hawamdeh Employee of the Month June 2022
Mohd is an Engineer II in the Building Plan Review Division and is being recognized for excellent customer service, professionalism and having a strong work ethic. His colleagues and supervisors credit him with having a positive attitude and always being willing to go the extra mile to serve external customers and work with his team. Mohd is a productive and valued member of the staff!
DPIE celebrates Mariwan and Mohd for their excellent performance!
