Video Series: Is this Trash or Recycling?
In this weekly series of "Is this Trash or Recycling?" in PGC, we explore that plastic and metal hangers are NOT recyclable in County curbside collection but there are a couple alternatives. Click the image below to view our video or visit
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Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill
The Brown Station Road Sanitary Landfill (BSRSL) at 11611 White House Road in Upper Marlboro is open to the public Monday - Saturday between the hours of 8 am - 3:30 pm and closed on Sundays.
The Landfill has several recycling facilities within the complex, which include the Household Hazardous Waste Acceptance Site (HHW) and Electronics Recycling Acceptance Site (ERAS) which are only open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and sites for yard waste, scrap tires and appliances (Monday through Saturday).
To learn more about the landfill, click here.
Materials Recycling Facility
The Materials Recycling Facility (MRF) is a 65,000 square foot facility in Capitol Heights. The primary functions of the MRF are to remove contaminants and separate recyclables. Once separated, the glass, aluminum, steel plastic and paper are baled or crushed and shipped to end markets and new products manufacturers.
Prince George’s County offers single-stream recycling collection, allowing residents to conveniently place all recyclable materials into one container/bin, making it much more efficient.
Click here to learn more about the MRF.
Organics Composting Facility
Over 50,000 tons of material is processed annually at the Organics Composting Facility (OCF) in Upper Marlboro. Yard trim is ground up and moved into long narrow piles known as windrows. Yard Trim collections are available to residents who receive county-provided services, picked up every Monday (excluding certain holidays).
The OCF turns yard waste and food scraps into a nutrient-rich compost known as Leafgro® and Leafgro GOLD®. These soil nutrients help promote healthy plants, reduce soil erosion and eliminate the need for chemical-based fertilizers.
Click here to learn more about the OCF.
County Residents Can Pick Up FREE Mulch on April 23!
Prince George’s County residents can pick up FREE mulch from the County Organics Composting Facility on Saturday, April 23, from 8 am to 1 pm or while supplies last.
Mulch for this source reduction event is derived from live holiday trees collected curbside and dropped off throughout January. A skid loader will be available to load mulch directly into pickup trucks (no commercial vehicles). Residents transporting mulch by car will need to bring their containers, shovels, or pitchforks. |