Spring arrived as we initiated a renewed effort to provide you with information about DPIE services and programs. In March, we unveiled an updated and more user-friendly website. We are adding information to our web pages to better explain procedures. Our Publications page has been expanded to include additional documents in English and Spanish that you can access and share with your networks. In May, we begin our monthly “Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions” to provide customers with information about various processes. Among the subjects will be researching the history of properties and steps needed to complete an application for a permit. Watch the website at dpie.mypgc.us for details.
Happy spring!

Beginning May 19, DPIE will begin it’s monthly Third-Thursday Community Information Sessions. Each session will focus on a particular topic and will include a brief presentation, comments by an agency expert and a short Q&A period.
The May 19 topic is “Verify Before You Buy.” Participants will learn how to research important aspects of residential and commercial properties before making a purchase.
Sessions will take place from 11 a.m.–12 noon. A Zoom link will be posted on the DPIE website in advance. Questions related to DPIE for the Q&A must be submitted by May 2 to dpiepio@co.pg.md.us.


Got household junk in your yard?
April 18–23 has been designated Preserve and Beautify Our Environment Week in Prince George's County. The week will culminate with Growing Green with Pride Day. As part of that day's events, DPIE, in conjunction with DoE and DPW&T, is holding a Dumpster Drop-Off event for residents. From 8 a.m.–2 p.m. on Saturday, April 23, certain household items will be accepted. Take this opportunity to remove landscape litter from your property, but make sure to follow the guidelines!
North — The Public Works Salt Dome, 11900 Montgomery Rd, Beltsville South — The Clinton Park & Ride lot, 900 Stuart Lane, Clinton
sofas, dressers, tables, bookcases, entertainment centers, desks, fans, vacuums, chairs, doors, cabinets, smaller household items, mattresses and box springs (must be covered in protective encasements), and grills.
refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters, tree stumps and trunks, yard waste, lawn mowers, auto parts, tires, construction materials, carpeting, sheds, fences, hazardous waste, household trash, glass and mirrors, and other wood waste/debris.
For questions, email dpiepio@co.pg.md.us.

Two of the main complaints received by DPIE relate to unpermitted construction and homebuyers being unaware of aspects of their property such as zoning and required permits.
  To view the information, click this image.

• Serves as the information liaison between DPIE and Prince George’s County residents, community leaders, homeowner and civic organizations, business partners, media outlets and other entities.
• Facilitates customer service complaint resolution and responds to inquiries under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA).
• Publishes periodic bulletins and a monthly e-newsletter called Under Construction, a summary of agency services, code requirements and other helpful information. You may subscribe at Subscribe My PGC or by sending an email to dpiepio@co.pg.md.us.


  DPIE is holding a monthly contest where we share a photo that contains a property violation of Prince George's County Code. The first person to respond with the correct answer will win one of DPIE's large (13"x10"x15") insulated grocery tote bags with a zipper closure, and your name in next month's Under Construction newsletter.*
*DPIE employees and their family members are not eligible to enter in this promotion.
Carefully study QUIZ PHOTO # 4 below and "Name that Violation" by emailing your best guess to DPIEpio@co.pg.md.us.
DPIE Congratulates
Camilla Samuels
for correctly identifying the violation in photo number 3 (shown at right) in last month's issue of Under Construction.
The answer is shown in the image below. (DPIE added the ordinance from County Code.)
