We Are Open!
Starting Wednesday, September 1, 2021, DPIE opened the doors of our Largo headquarters at 9400 Peppercorn Place to the public for limited appointments and assistance. We continue to serve you online and telephonically from the safety of your homes and offices. The online process is still the preferred process, and my staff works diligently to get you the information just as quickly virtually. Please continue to reach out to staff in the various divisions for assistance.
Our reopening is highlighted by the opening of our Permit Center and the launch of the new Virtual Permit Café (VPC), an online system that allows customers to have plans reviewed virtually, instead of in person. The VPC is available for homeowner walk-through permits only and will be open from 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and Thursdays for scheduled appointments. You will find additional details about the VPC below. The Permit Center will be open Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m. for limited virtual services. Click here for more reopening information.
DPIE is committed to the safety and security of our visitors and staff. We ask that you follow the guidelines posted and communicated by our staff when you visit the building.
We are excited to have you back and look forward, as always, to providing you outstanding customer service.
   DPIE is now offering limited walk-through service in our new Virtual Permit Café, located in the Permit Center. The Virtual Permit Café allows homeowners to walk their homeowner permit applications through the plan review process in a virtual, contact-free environment. When necessary, customers have the ability to have interactive conversations with plan reviewers through video and audio services. At the end of the process, homeowners are issued their permits – within the same day, in most cases.
Please print and save these "Virtual Walk-Through Permit Process Instructions."
Here is how the process works:
- Access the DPIE permitting platform to start your application.
- Complete and submit your online application and check the "VPC" option.
Schedule an appointment here for your virtual review session; you will receive a confirmation number. Remember to bring it with you.
Print and bring a copy of your application, along with your plans on a flash drive, to DPIE.
- Arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment to gain entry into the building.
- You will be seated at a terminal and asked to check in to the Virtual Permit Café.
- You will be required to upload your plans.
- During the virtual session, you will receive email and text messages with updates of the plan review process.
IMPORTANT: You need to monitor these notifications as you will be required to join a video/audio session with plan reviewers.
- At the end of the review, you will receive a notification to pay for your permit, and a permit will be emailed to you.
REMEMBER: DPIE is currently offering virtual review for HOMEOWNER PERMITS ONLY. We plan to expand the walk-through process in the future.

DPIE is employing approved safety protocols for staff and visitors to the building.
1. You must wear an appropriate mask over your nose and mouth at all times. Bandanas and gaiters are not allowed.
2. Once you are admitted to the building, you must sign in at the lobby security desk and show a government-issued ID to confirm your appointment.
3. If you are ill, you will not be admitted to the building. A standing temperature machine is available in the lobby. If your temperature exceeds 100.4 degrees, please leave and reschedule your appointment for when you are well.
4. If you are well, have no temperature and are exhibiting no symptoms, you should arrive at the DPIE front entrance parking lot (flag entrance) 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. You may be asked to wait in your car or outside until you are called to enter the building. A limited number of customers will be allowed in the reception/lobby areas.
5. You will be escorted to your meeting location.
7. After your appointment, you must depart the building promptly.
Walk-Through Permits by Appointment (Homeowners Only)
Time: Wednesday and Thursday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Walk-ins will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Location: New Virtual Permit Café in the Permit Center Services offered: Application submission and plan review for walk-through permits (homeowner only), assistance with permit and license-related questions Service requirements: Review the lists of eligible homeowner permits and appointment scheduling information. For information, call 301–636–2050.
Permitting and Licensing
Time: Monday, Tuesday and Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Application submission, assistance with permit and license-related questions. For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2050.
Site/Road Plan Review
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Assistance with site/road questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2060.
Building Plan Review
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Assistance with building plan review questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2070.
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment Services offered: Assistance with inspections related questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2080.
Code Enforcement
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Assistance with code enforcement questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–883–6168.
Administrative Hearing Unit
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Assistance with Administrative Hearing Unit-related questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2023.
Office of the Director
Time: Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m., by appointment. Services offered: Assistance with DPIE related-questions For information or to schedule an appointment, call 301–636–2020.
Important Contact Phone Numbers
• DPIE Main Number: 301–636–2000
• Permitting and Licensing Division: 301–636–2050
• Site/Road Plan Review Division: 301–636–2060
• Building Plan Review Division: 301–636–2070
• Inspections Division: 301–636–2080
• Automated Inspection Request/Information System (AIRIS): 301–883–5390
• Enforcement Division: 301–883–6168
• Administrative Hearing Unit: 301–636–2023
• Director’s Office: 301–636–2020
• Public Information Office: 301–636–2053
   DPIE is participating in the County’s priority to reduce litter by decreasing document printing. The following code enforcement and property maintenance documents are available on dpie.mypgc.us. Click the Resources tab, then the Publications tab or Google DPIE Publications. Feel free to share the documents with your networks!
• Beautify Your Property and Bring It into Compliance!
• Buyer Beware! Unpermitted Construction
• Did You Know That Ugly Sign Litter Is Also Illegal?
• DPIE Alert: Storms — Steps to Help Mitigate Storm Damage to Your Property
• Improperly Installed Fences May Cause Drainage Problems and Flooding!
• Many Home-Based Businesses Are Prohibited in Prince George’s County!
• NO Landscape Litter — Landscape Litter Violates County Code
• Operating a Restaurant and Selling Food at Home Are Illegal!
• Posting Illegal Signs Is Expensive!
• PYP — Permit Your Projects!
• The 10 Most Frequent Code Violations in Prince George’s County
• Who Handles That?
• Homeowner and Community Code Enforcement
• Multifamily Code Enforcement
• Homeowners Guide to Permits

The Fall 2021 Community Partners' Meeting will take place virtually via Zoom at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, September 23, 2021. The meeting will include presentations from DPIE and its sister agencies, the Department of the Environment (DoE) and the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T). Each agency will provide information about initiatives and programs and update participants on recent events. Questions must be submitted in writing on the "Community Partners' Meeting Question Form" (in English and en Español) prior to the event. Questions will be answered by agency officials and posted on each of the departments' websites. Send RSVPs and completed question forms to DPIEPIO@co.pg.md.us or Tlcollins@co.pg.md.us.

DPIE Congratulates Nfor "Gideon" Adamu Employee of the Month for September 2021
Nfor "Gideon" Adamu is an Engineer III in the Site/Road Plan Review Division and is being recognized as a pillar of professionalism and excellence. He is consistent, patient and helpful in explaining and resolving issues. His response to both internal and external customers is always timely. He never complains about the volume of work and is always willing to assist. His previous experience as an inspector helps him to find solutions as an engineer. Gideon is appreciated for his service.
DPIE commends you for your exceptional performance!