Prince George’s County has established a process geared to helping qualified restaurants resume limited dining operations as part of County Executive Angela Alsobrooks’ modified Phase 1 reopening. DPIE has been charged with implementing a Restaurant Temporary Outdoor Seating Area (RTOSA) Permit, effective June 1, 2020, to allow restaurants to serve customers in permitted outdoor seating areas.
“At a time when so many citizens of Prince George’s County are looking for additional ways to feed their families, the outdoor seating areas will allow a wide range of restaurants to offer this dining choice,” said DPIE Director Melinda Bolling. “The restaurants that are applying include everything from small eateries to large dining establishments that offer a variety of food choices.”
The permit requires seating to be spaced at least six feet apart. Restrooms must be available. Restaurants must be in compliance with ADA and applicable County, State and International codes.
Restaurants with a current Use and Occupancy Permit (U&O) may apply. Those with U&Os that allow outdoor seating areas may implement outdoor dining utilizing appropriate mandated social distancing requirements without the RTOSA Permit.
Visit DPIE's Temporary Restaurant Outdoor Seating Permit page for more information.
For restaurant reopening frequently asked questions, visit the Restaurant Concierge Portal.
 Prince George’s County has made procedural modifications to allow farmers’ markets to operate during the current COVID-19 emergency. The modifications are part of an effort by the County government to empower vendors to provide additional food purchasing options to citizens.
The changes require farmers’ market vendors and their workers to wear masks and gloves and follow social distancing requirements. There are requirements for spacing between and cleaning of vending areas and procedures for vendors to provide hand sanitizing or handwashing stations.
Vendors are limited to offering food only; craft items are not allowed under the current requirements. Customers may not touch food. All food is handled by vendors. No cooking or sampling is allowed.
The municipalities must work alongside the County to enforce life safety issues. DPIE may revoke the permit of any vendor whose operation creates a public nuisance because of excessive noise, traffic issues or other causes.
Visit the Health Licensing Food Service Facility (FSF) Permits page for more information and access a list of vendor requirements at COVID-19 Farmers' Market Operations.
 Clean and secure your property to ensure compliance with County Code:
• Exterior properties should be free from weeds and grass taller than 12 inches.
• Plant growth must not obstruct walkways, sidewalks, streets, adjoining driveways and/or the house numbers identifying the address of the dwelling.
• Exterior walls should be free of holes, breaks and loose or rotting materials.
• Peeling, flaking or chipped paint should be removed and surfaces repainted.
• Metal surfaces with rust or corrosion should be coated with a protective treatment.
• Swimming pools on a property must be fenced and maintained in good working order.
To report a property in violation or for more information on property maintenance, visit Code Enforcement on DPIE's website.
On May 22, 2020, DPIE revised the scheduling of the Legislative Cycle of Amendments for consistency with the County’s Legislative Year. The new Legislative Cycle months for water and sewer category changes are March, June, September and December. The revised months have been approved and adopted by Council Resolution CR-011-2020. The previously announced months of January, April, July and October (excepting January 2020) are no longer valid.
The next Legislative Cycle of Amendments for projects requesting to advance from Category 5 to Category 4 had a due date of June 1, 2020. This revision to the Legislative Cycles does not affect the Administrative Cycles that are available throughout the year excepting the months of August and December. The Administrative Cycles of Amendments are for projects eligible to advance from Category 4 to Category 3. Plan 2018 application forms provided by DPIE are required for all plan amendments, final plat reviews and residential waivers. DPIE application forms and the Appendix 6-2 Fee Schedule from the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan may be found online.
Make sure to review the application forms, fee schedule and processes as they relate to your specific project. For more information on the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan and its components, call (301) 636-2060.
You need a permit before:
• Improving your kitchen
• Removing a bathroom
• Finishing your basement
• Building a chairlift, ramp or deck
• Erecting a fence taller than 4 feet
• Adding an addition
• Constructing a large shed, carport, garage or driveway
For more information, visit Residential Building Permits on DPIE's website.
Change in Govolution Fees
Effective April 18, 2020, the Govolution service fees for ACH, credit and debit card payment processing were revised as follows:
• eCheck/ACH payments will incur a service fee of $1.50.
• Visa consumer debit transactions will incur a flat rate service fee of $3.95.
• All other credit and debit card transactions will incur a service fee of 2.45% of the payment amount.
Visit ePayments to make online payments.
Implementation of Small Wireless Facility Permit Fees
A new fee table was established and approved for issuance of small wireless facilities in the public right-of-way. To view the fees, see DPIE's Fee Schedule on our website.
The DPIE Business Development Section (BDS) has created an online series to assist aspiring entrepreneurs and local business owners.
DPIE is offering free monthly ePlan Customer Training to offer instruction on completing online applications and uploading plans for review in our ePlan system. Training sessions are free and are held the third Thursday of every month.
All those who wish to attend the June class need to reply no later than June 11th by clicking the activities link. You may call (301) 636–2050 or e-mail one of the following contacts:
• Robin — ramclean@co.pg.md.us • Dunia — dksantamaria@co.pg.md.us • Danielle — dmrobinson1@co.pg.md.us
To cancel or reschedule, please notify one of the above persons via e-mail or call the phone number.
Note: If there are less than four people signed up for a training, the class will be cancelled. The persons signed up to attend will be notified and moved to the following month’s class.
All customers scheduled to attend an ePlan Customer Training session must print out a copy of the "ePlan Applicant User Guide" for the class.
DPIE welcomes the following new hires and congratulates them on joining the team! Each new staffer has shared their start date and some information to help us get to know them.
Jayant Patel, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 1/6/2020
I enjoy meeting and interacting with new people. I am a long-time resident of Prince George’s County and take pride in everything I take on. I enjoy traveling and collecting/repairing vintage audio equipment.
Lawrence Herbert, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 1/6/2020
I perform residential and small commercial building inspections and have been certified for over 10 years as an energy inspector with the Building Performance Institute. I married my wife in 2017 and we welcomed our first child in 2018. I like to play video games and ride bikes.
Irfanullah Irfan, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 1/21/2020
I have a master’s in civil engineering with 10 plus years of experience in engineering, construction and construction management.
Shaghayegh Hemmatian, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 4/27/2020
I have a bachelor’s degree in architecture and an MBA from Strayer University. My background is in architecture and interior design. I’m fluent in Persian and English and would love to learn Spanish. I believe learning different languages helps you to connect better with people.
Wasiu Adigun, Inspections Division — Construction Standards Inspector, 4/27/2020
I have a bachelor’s degree in industrial relations and personnel management, I started as a construction inspector in 2015. I also worked with several consulting firms as a technician for a few years. Prior to joining DPIE, I worked with an engineering company.
James Proctor, Enforcement Division — Property Standards Inspector, 3/16/2020
Prior to DPIE, I worked as a firefighter/rescuer for Montgomery County Fire and Rescue for more than 15 years.
Kirk McLean, Enforcement Division — Asst. Associate Director, 3/30/2020
I’ve been a County employee since 1998. As a member of the Prince George's County Police Department, my last assignment was commander of the new District 8 Station. I retired from that agency in March 2020. I look forward to working at DPIE.
Oscar Bejarano, Enforcement Division — Property Standards Inspector, 4/27/2020
I’m 38. I’m originally from Honduras but lived most of my life in the USA in Maryland. I studied in Prince George’s County, then moved to Anne Arundel County, where I now reside. My position as an inspector opens possibilities to expand and learn this field.
Jacquelyn Shirley, Director’s Office — Administrative Aide, 3/2/2020
I graduated from Year Up (National Capital Region) in January 2018 and will continue my education this fall at Bowie State University. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with friends and family and traveling.
Artina Anstead, Director’s Office — Human Resources Manager, 3/16/2020
I worked for Prince George’s County Health Department as the assistant HR manager for four years. I have 10 plus years of experience in HR. I am excited to be a member of the DPIE family.
DPIE congratulates the following members of the family for their recent promotions! Keep up the great work!
Daynaira Adams was promoted from a Permit Specialist II to a Permit Specialist III in the Permitting and Licensing Division on 5/24/2020. Daynaira has worked for Prince George County for six years.
Donald Chronaker was promoted from a Construction Standards Inspector II to a Construction Standards Inspector III in the Inspections Division on 2/2/2020. Donald has worked for Prince George’s County for eight years.
Yaguba Jalloh was promoted from a Construction Standards Inspector I to an Engineer I in the Site/Road Division on 3/15/2020. Yaguba has worked for Prince George’s County for 11 months.
Demetrius Jones was promoted from an Engineer Technician II to an Engineer Technician III in the Director's Office on 5/10/2020. Demetrius has worked for Prince George’s County for six years.
David Kamara was promoted from a Property Standards Inspector II to a Property Standards Inspector III in the Enforcement Division on 5/10/2020. David has worked for Prince George’s County for five years.
Larry Long was promoted from a Property Standards Inspector III to a Property Standards Inspector IV in the Enforcement Division on 1/5/2020. Mr. Long has worked for Prince George’s County for five years.
David McLaurin was promoted from a Property Standards Inspector II to a Property Standards Inspector III in the Enforcement Division on 5/10/2020. Mr. McLaurin has worked for Prince George’s County for nine years.
Timothy Miller was promoted from an Engineer Technician I to an Engineer I in the Site/Road Division on 2/2/2020. Mr. Miller has worked for Prince George’s County for one year.
Anthony Morris was promoted from an Engineering Technician II to an Engineering Technician III in the Permitting and Licensing Division on 4/26/2020. Anthony has worked for Prince George’s County Government for four years.
Vatsal Patel was promoted from an Engineer II to an Engineer III in the Building Plan Review Division on 1/5/2020. Mr. Patel has worked for Prince George’s County for two years.
Christopher Scott was promoted from a Construction Standards Inspector II to a Construction Standards Inspector III in the Inspections Division on 2/2/2020. Mr. Scott has worked for Prince George’s County for 18 months.
Bosa Ugo was promoted from a Permits Supervisor to an Administrative Specialist I in the Director's Office on 3/29/2020. Bosa has worked for Prince George’s County for 16 years.