An Update from County Executive Alsobrooks on the Novel Coronavirus, COVID-19
Dear Prince Georgians:
As you may be aware, an attendee at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held at National Harbor from February 27 – March 1 tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. Those who attended or worked the conference may be at some risk of acquiring COVID-19. We are aware of this situation, and our County Health Department is continuing to work with state and federal public health partners to keep Prince Georgians safe and healthy.
The Prince George’s County Government has a coordinated effort among all agencies to address COVID-19, being spearheaded by our Health Department. While I know that many of you are concerned about the spread of this virus, County Government has taken a number of steps to stay abreast of this rapidly changing situation and prevent the spread of the virus.
On March 4, we activated both our Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and our Joint Information Center (JIC) at an enhanced level. We have staff working around the clock to monitor updates on the situation. We have maintained the same level of activation since it was announced that Montgomery County has three confirmed cases of the virus. Your government is collaborating to ensure all necessary steps are being taken at this time to prevent the spread of germs.
County Office of Central Services:
The Prince George’s County Office of Central Services (OCS) is tasked with cleaning and maintaining government buildings. OCS is working to both prepare for and decrease the chance for the spread of COVID-19. In preparation, OCS is working with the Office of Emergency Management to quickly obtain essential items ranging from sanitizing supplies and cleaners to protective clothing and equipment. Additionally, OCS intends to make full use of its 100,000 square foot warehouse for stocking, inventory and fast delivery of essential items and supplies.
Last, OCS is instructing the County’s janitorial staff to incorporate cleaners that are EPA Registered Antimicrobial Products for Use Against COVID-19, into our existing daily, routine cleaning of County Government buildings. This will also include placement of hand sanitizing dispensers throughout the common areas of government buildings.
County Department of Aging:
The Department of Aging, housed under the Prince George’s County Department of Family Services, has been in close contact with senior centers and nursing facilities across the County. They have all implemented CDC recommended procedures to ensure our seniors remain safe and healthy. Custodial staff in these facilities have been instructed to follow flu and virus prevention protocols to ensure facilities are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
All nursing facilities are ensuring they have the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in place so nursing staff remain safe. Nurses are checking nursing facility residents daily for any signs or symptoms that may indicate illness with COVID-19. Staff are also screening visitors for absence of signs of being sick with cold or flu-like symptoms before being allowed to enter facilities. Brochures, flyers and other information about the coronavirus have been shared with staff and visitors who enter the facilities.
Prince George’s County Public Schools:
Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) continues to adhere to guidance and direction from the County Health Department and the Maryland Department of Health in all health-related matters to ensure our 136,000 students remain safe and healthy. PGCPS is in regular contact with the local and State health departments to receive the latest updates on COVID-19 and take appropriate actions if necessary.
As a precaution, all Prince George’s County Public Schools (PGCPS) sponsored international travel is canceled until further notice. For Spring Break travel, anyone who travels to a high-risk area should contact the County or State health department for instructions prior to departure and before returning to school or work.
PGCPS continues to work proactively to keep school and office settings safe, prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, develop plans to continue instruction in the event of any school closures, and share information. For the latest updates from our school system in regard to COVID-19, visit their dedicated website.
County Department of Parks & Recreation:
The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), Department of Parks and Recreation in Prince George's County, continues to work closely with local and State public health agencies to ensure that appropriate and coordinated protocols are in place. At this time the Department's programs and services will continue as regularly scheduled. Should there be any changes, residents will be promptly notified via their website at, social media and their emergency alert system.
Out of an abundance of caution, the Department is continuing to provide information in English and Spanish that outlines the proper hygiene protocols to prevent the spread of viruses and other infections. Facilities are being monitored to ensure supplies are on hand and areas are properly cleaned. Plans have been put in place to handle any potential cases of COVID-19 at M-NCPPC facilities and ensure spaces are properly disinfected and safe to occupy.
Further Resources:
These are just a few actions your County Government has taken to ensure Prince Georgians reman healthy and safe. We have also provided the fact sheets and infographics below, so residents can understand more about COVID-19 and actions they can take to help prevent the spread of germs.
As this situation evolves, we will continue to provide updates. Residents can stay informed of the latest updates by visiting our coronavirus website: If you need further assistance or have additional questions, please contact the Health Department at 301-883-6627, Monday-Friday.
Yours in service,
Angela Alsobrooks
Prince George’s County Executive
On March 7, 2020, the New Jersey Department of Health notified the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) that a person confirmed to have Coronavirus Disease 2019, or COVID-19, was in Maryland from February 27 - March 1 attending the Conservative Political Action Conference at National Harbor in Prince George’s County. Those who attended or worked at the conference may be at some risk for acquiring COVID-19.
The Prince George’s County Health Department, along with the MDH, recommends members of the public who attended or worked this event monitor themselves for symptoms of a respiratory infection including fever, cold-like symptoms, cough, or shortness of breath.
Persons who attended or worked this event should check their temperature twice a day and notify their health care provider and local health department if their temperature exceeds 100.4 or if they develop a respiratory illness. They should remain at home until they receive instructions about next steps from their health care provider or local health department.
The Health Department is working closely with our state and federal partners and is committed to keeping all residents, employees, and visitors to Prince George’s County safe and healthy. This continues to be a rapidly evolving situation so it’s even more important to keep yourselves and your communities informed about COVID-19 and the latest updates by visiting We also continue to encourage Prince Georgians practice the same cold and flu season preventive measures to avoid this novel coronavirus and other respiratory illnesses.
Coronavirus Fact Sheet

Infographic on How to Prevent the Spread of Germs