A tree that was toppled by lightning several years ago sits twisted in the backyard of a house in Fort Washington. Greasy spots mark a driveway where a mechanic moonlights repairing vehicles in front of his Beltsville home. The top of a delivery truck peeks over a 6-foot illegal fence surrounding a corner lot in Clinton.
Violations of Prince George’s County Code, like these, frequently are reported to DPIE’s Enforcement Division. Enforcement, one of seven divisions of DPIE, is charged with overseeing investigations of code violations at residential, commercial and industrial properties. The division’s mandate is to maintain the safety and aesthetic value of the County's communities by enforcing property standards requirements.
Every working day, dozens of DPIE property standards inspectors fan out around the County, responding to complaints from citizens and legislators. They also are required to conduct "field pickups," surveys of their assigned areas where they look for property maintenance violations.
Those who violate the code are required to abate the problem. Those who fail to comply may face a fine or worse. The County may eventually fix the problem and assess the property owner for the cost.
While code compliance is the major focus, the Enforcement Division's inspectors and supervisors also work to educate the public about County codes and what constitutes a violation. They frequently attend community and HOA meetings. If you are interested in having an Enforcement Division staffer speak to your community group or HOA, call 301-636-2053.
If you would like to report a possible code violation for DPIE to investigate, contact CountyClick 311, which will route the complaint to DPIE.
It is unlawful under Prince George’s County Code to keep or store a vehicle on your property that is not licensed.
Other vehicle-related violations include:
- Parking commercial vehicles in driveways or on residential streets
- Performing automotive work on a driveway or street
- Parking vehicles on lawns
For information about County code violations, visit the Enforcement FAQs page at dpie.mypgc.us.
 DPIE offers monthly ePlan Customer Training. Attendees learn how to complete online applications and upload plans for review in our ePlan system. Training is given the third Thursday of every month at 9400 Peppercorn Place, Largo, from 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Seating is limited. Those who wish to attend training must register by the second Thursday of the month by clicking the activities link. You may call (301) 636–2050 or e-mail all three of the following: Robin McLean — ramclean@co.pg.md.us; Dunia Santamaria — dksantamaria@co.pg.md.us and Danielle Robinson — dmrobinson1@co.pg.md.us.
For more information about ePlan or the training, visit the Online Permit Services page at dpie.mypgc.us or send an e-mail to eplan@co.pg.md.us.
 To view details of the legislation that relates to DPIE -- or other matters -- visit the full text of actions by the County Council at the Legislative/Zoning Information System (LZIS). Enter the bill #, resolution # or subject matter into the search bar on the left, following the format example: CB-004-2019, select the year, then select the agenda item type (Council Bill or Resolution).