Prince George’s
County Reduces its Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 12%
As we close out Earth Month,
OCS Sustainable Energy is excited to announce the County exceeded the regional
2012 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions goal and is on track to achieve the 2020
In 2008, the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG)
in partnership with local governments established the regional GHG reduction
goals of:
- 10% below
business as usual projections by 2012 (back down to 2005 levels);
- 20% below 2005
levels by 2020; and
- 80% below 2005
levels by 2050.
MWCOG completed Prince George’s County community-wide GHG
inventory in April, 2018. Despite experiencing an 8% growth in population, GHG
emissions reduced from 11.3 MMTCO2e (million metric tons of carbon dioxide
equivalent) in 2005 to 9.9 MMTCO2e in 2015, representing an overall decrease
of 12%.
Per capita, or for each person, emissions decreased 19% between
2005 and 2015; from 13.7 MTCO2e (metric tons of carbon dioxide
equivalent) in 2005 to 11.1 MTCO2e in 2015.
The County leads the region and state in clean, solar energy
generation. Our use of clean, renewable energy coupled with efficiency gains
are attributable to GHG reductions in the County and regionally.
OCS Sustainable Energy would like to THANK
YOU for helping us reduce our carbon footprint. We would also like to
thank MWCOG
for its continued support!
Don’t forget to apply for our TNI
Clean Energy and Energy
Star & Green Leasing programs today!
Climate and Energy Leadership Awards:
A Call for Climate Action and Recognition
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) created the Climate and Energy Leadership Awards to recognize organizations in the region for their pursuit of environmental opportunities and stewardship in line with regional greenhouse gas reduction goals.
Join COG as they are looking for nominations and candidates for the 2018 Climate and Energy Leadership Awards. Is your government agency, non-governmental organization, or school taking an innovative approach to sustainability? Winners are recognized in front of local, regional, and national officials at COG, an excellent opportunity for showcasing their innovative achievements and best practices.
Three applicants from metropolitan Washington will be recognized with a Climate and Energy Leadership Award for leading practices in greenhouse gas reduction, built environment and infrastructure, renewable energy, transportation, land use, sustainability or resilience programs. Entrepreneurs of resource conservation, cutting edge technology, and environmental justice initiatives are encouraged to apply. The award categories include:
- Government Agency (local, state, regional, quasi-govt, utilities or authorities)
- Non-Governmental Organization (not for profit, citizen or community-based groups)
- Educational Institution (K-12, public, private or higher education)
Applications can be submitted online or emailed to Maia Davis ( no later than June 29, 2018. Applications must include a project summary file that is a maximum of three pages long and give clear description on how it meets the four judging criteria:
- Results (results, achievements, measured outcomes including cost-effectiveness)
- Creativity (innovative, resourceful or unique aspects)
- Model (replicability to other communities/organizations)
- Engagement (addressing and engaging diverse population)
Please read the Awards Program’s Procedures and Guidelines for full details on judging criteria, judging process and application requirements.
Visit for more information.

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We have launched our social media sites, follow us to stay informed of County sustainable energy efforts (you can also click the icons at the bottom of this page).